The Assumption of Holy Mary: Experiencing Freedom in Body, Mind, and Soul

2023-08-15 04:33:56

Fr. Thomas Theikanath MF

From 1939 to 1945, the ravages and chaos of the Second World War, which the Holy See faced, posed a great challenge to the Christian life of faith. The anti-faith campaigns that gained strength in Russia, the advent of Communism, and the massacres and extremism of the German government put the Church and the Pope in a crisis. In this context, the belief that the Holy Mary preserves the faith of the church members, redeemed by the blood of her son, has prevailed in the church. On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII issued the apostolic document ‘Munnifichentimus Devus’ declaring the Assumption of the Holy Mother as a creed in the Church. In this document the Pope wrote “I declare it a divinely revealed truth of faith that the Ever-Virgin and Immaculate Mother of God, following the completion of her earthly life, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory.”

Holy Mary, the mother of His Son, was taken up to heaven with soul and body and God honored her with the title of Queen of Heaven. Joining the saving mission of the incarnate Christ, the Holy Mary travels with her children through the congregation of pilgrims. As the people of India celebrate Independence Day on the Ascension Day, it is opportune to reflect on the freedom experienced by the Blessed Virgin Mary.

experienced by Maryam freedom

Although the sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is transmitted to all their offspring as birth sin, God the Father preserved Mary without birth sin. Thus Maryam was born as Amalothbhava. God removed from Mary the slavery of sin that the children of Adam bore. With this grace given by God, she experienced complete freedom. St. Paul explains this truth in this way: “If by the sin of one man death reigned through that man, how much more shall those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17). God’s abundance of grace made Mary feel free in her body at her very birth. Sin did not rule Mary’s body to such an extent that the lusts of the flesh subdued her.

The evil that entered through Eve’s eyes and the sins of lust that arose through evil continue to exist in many forms and forms among the children of mankind today. Examples of this are the various inhumane incidents we hear regarding today. Such lives are those who do not experience freedom in the body. Adam walked with God in the Garden of Eden before he sinned. But following the first sin, he might not walk with God, he was afraid. But Mary has always walked with God. She lived with purity in spirit bodies as the beloved daughter of her father.

freedom of mind

Mary’s response to the divine plan given by the angel Gabriel illustrates her independence of mind. “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38). Despite knowing that she would be humiliated before the law, Mary was able to leave herself to God’s will and move forward with freedom of mind. He who conquers the world is mighty, and he who rules empires is exalted. But he who lives under control of his own mind is very powerful. The Holy Virgin Mary is the crowning example of this.
Even when she mightn’t get a place in the inn, when she had to flee to Egypt and when she lost her son, Maryam’s mind did not waver and she was able to see God’s will.

Mariam was able to divine her own thoughts. When does a person experience freedom in his mind? One is free if he is not in slavery to human relations, worldly affections and worldly things. Eve might not control her mind. Eve lost the freedom of mind that God had given her. But Mary’s heart and mind meditated on God, and she summed up everything in her heart. Maryam lived in complete freedom on this earth. The horizon of her mind extended to heaven. Let’s connect our mind with Mary’s mind.

in the soul freedom

Through freedom of body and mind, Mary was free in this world in the perfection of spirit. Mary’s spirit and God’s spirit were always centered in Christ. Jesus himself answered the question of who are my mother and brothers. Those who hear God’s Word and live by it. Mary’s spirit dwelt in the Word. Thus she became full of spirit and completely free.

In order to experience the freedom of the soul while living in this world, the soul must renounce everything in this world. Maryam is the survivor of all the diseases, worries and concerns of this world. Mariam lived in self-realization by breaking through the bonds of the body and the temptations of the mind. Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord” (Luke 1:46).

#Independence #life #Holy #Mary #sundayshalom



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