2021-08-31 21:02:08
Ovulation in a woman is the expulsion of an egg from the ovary, ready to be fertilized by a sperm. It usually takes place on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. In some women, ovulation may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, including pain in the lower abdomen.
When does ovulation pain appear?
Fourteenth day of the cycle, and suddenly, a stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, on one side or the other, challenges you. You know (too well) this phenomenon? You are probably one of those women who feel their ovulation. You are not alone, and this is explained mechanically.
“Painful ovulation is the sudden onset of abdominopelvic pain, that is to say in the lower abdomen, halfway through the menstrual cycle, in a woman who does not take hormonal contraceptive “, explains Dr. Geoffroy Robin, gynecologist at the University Hospital of Lille, recalling that such a contraceptive has the principle of blocking ovulation.
What is going on concretely in the body of the woman at the time of ovulation? “It is at this moment that the dominant follicle, which has grown throughout the first part of the cycle in an ovary (right or left) sometimes up to 25 mm in diameter, sends un message hormonal which causes it to open to release the egg, like a popping balloon “. A sudden release that ejects, in addition to the egg, all the liquid contained in the follicle directly into the pelvic cavity with, sometimes, irritation of the peritoneum. And that hurts.
How to recognize painful ovulation?
There are certain signs to recognize painful ovulation.
Cramps and tightness in the lower abdomen
Women who feel their ovulation mostly experience pain like “cramps” or prints of twists in the lower abdomensometimes accompanied nausea or vomiting, even if it remains in the minority. Abdominal bloating can also occur. And almost instantaneous comfort when lying down.
Tension in the breasts
Other signs may also appear, related to estrogen impregnation which exists at the time of ovulation. Especially in the chest: some women experience tension in the breasts during ovulation, a chest that seems heavier, more sensitive than usual. Sometimes fatigue and headaches may occur. On the other hand, we observe a lack of fever.
Bleeding, discharge: is this normal?
According to the doctor, bleeding are not part of the symptoms the most common and are very rare, or unrelated to ovulation. On the other hand, for the losses, nothing to worry regarding: “in the middle of the cycle, the woman’s body produces very watery cervical mucus and much more stringy than usual, linked to ovulation. We’re talking regardingegg white texture. It is this cervical mucus and this texture that facilitate the passage of sperm in the event of conception, when the woman is most fertile. This kind of loss is therefore complitly normal recalls the doctor.
Symptoms, pain: how long does it last?
If this can be intense, and sometimes lead patients to consult urgently, even suggesting appendicitis, the pain without taking treatment is fortunately fast and resolves itself. in 4 to 6 hours only (on average), and 24 hours max. Ovulation does not last for several days.
Why does the ovulation period hurt me?
Why are some women prone to pain and feeling the pressure of ovulation strong when others feel little or nothing? “There are not so many physical explanations. visceral sensitivity from one woman to another, from one person to another in general, is very different. We are not equal, ”explains the doctor.
He also mentions an increase in cases of pain in recent years, but explains it simply: “When the pill was the most common contraceptive, we simply didn’t hear regarding pain during ovulation. But questioning the pill by young women, who have preferred the condom, the IUD or so-called ‘natural’ methods, have consequently seen an increase in cases of painwhich returned with ovulation”.
Can pain be a sign of poor ovulation?
In general, it is the opposite. The pain is simply a sign that the woman is ovulating, that the follicle has successfully expelled her egg and that everything goes as planned. A isolated pain that stops quickly should not worry you. A bad ovulation or an absence of ovulation would result more in an absence of signs, even of periods.
Can pain indicate pregnancy?
The answer is no, the doctor is adamant. Ovarian pain is not a sign of early pregnancybut that of the period most conducive to conception.
Can pain be a symptom of endometriosis?
When the pain at the time of ovulation is very present and echoes also very painful menstruationwe then speak of cyclic pelvic painand this may pose the question of theendometriosis, or looking for another disorder. The disease, which induces the spreading of the uterine lining out of the uterine cavity, can lead to chronic disabling pain and infertility. Difficult to diagnose, pain can be an indicator.
Very painful ovulation: when to consult?
As we have seen, pain is not a sign of poor ovulation or a cycle disorder. An isolated pain in the middle of the cycle, when the rules are not or only slightly painful, should not worry you too much and is completely normal and commonplace. Nevertheless, if a pain worries you regarding its intensityit is advisable to consult to find the cause.
Pelvic ultrasound, a simple examination to remove concerns
Anyway, in case of concern, doubt, regarding a possible endometriosis, strong pains or simply pains that question you at the time of ovulation, the consultation of a professional remains the reflex to have so as not to remain unanswered. “A pelvic ultrasound can then be performed quickly by your gynecologist. It is the simplest and least invasive examination which eliminates major reasons for pain, such as endometriotic lesions, uterine malformations, or cysts on the ovaries. And moreover, the opportunity to discuss and offer a treatment to relieve the pain that makes the patient suffer,” explains the practitioner.
How to relieve ovarian pain?
There are several ways to relieve pain:
- With an anti-inflammatory : the easiest way to fight pain, for a woman prone to painful ovulation is to take, as soon as the first sensations appear, a single ibuprofen-type nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory tablet, which will have the effect of quickly relieving the discomfort in less than 30 minutes. Dr. Robin points out that such a light intake has no negative effect on a possible conception, if you are looking to get pregnant;
- By a hormonal contraceptive : in the event that the person suffering from pain each month has no immediate pregnancy plans, the gynecologist then offers hormonal contraception (pill, ring, implant) which has for the effect of preventing ovulation, quite simply. In principle, there is therefore no more painful ovulation on the pill, since no more ovulation at all;
- And the action of heat? For Dr. Robin, no reliable study on the action of heat (the famous hot water bottle!) once morest the pain of ovulation does not exist to this day. Nevertheless, if it seems to work for you and bring you even temporary relief, there are no contraindications.
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