Summer sores: the right reflexes!

2023-08-10 17:00:04

Is it dangerous to swim when you have drunk a lot of alcohol?

Alcohol (including rosé) dilates blood vessels and raises body temperature. If you suddenly dive into cold water when it is very hot outside, there is an increased risk of Thermal shock and cardiac arrest. It is better to enter the sea or the pool gradually, first getting your neck and shoulders wet. Did we drink too much? Beware of drowning: drunkenness disrupts coordination and reflexes, and leads us to overestimate our swimming abilities. A nap in the shade is a must.

I feel bloated following eating seafood yesterday. What do I take to feel better?

Nux vomica 7CH (3 granules every 1/4 hour until symptoms improve), just like peppermint essential oil (1 pure drop under the tongue, to renew if necessary) effectively combat nausea linked to indigestion. We can also just wait for it to pass (it will be better in a few hours), remembering to hydrate well (water or cola). On the other hand, we avoid antiemetics, as well as drugs that block transit: the risk of side effects is too great to treat “simple” food poisoning, however unpleasant it may be. THE probioticsthey are rather indicated in case of infectious diarrhea (turista) or related to the taking of antibiotics.

On vacation, I am prone to cystitis. Is there any way to escape him?

The studies are formal: thanks to its powerful active ingredients (proanthocyanidins or PAC), cranberry prevents the bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections from clinging to the walls of the bladder, says a study published in the journal The Cochrane Library. Provided you consume at least 36 mg of PAC per day (Ergycranberryl, Cranberola Comfort Urinary…). We never take antibiotics for prevention, so as not to favor resistant germs, which will then become almost impossible to treat. The essential oil of basil is useless in this case (it mainly treats digestive disorders). Just like forcing yourself to urinate: you go to the toilet regularly, but not at fixed times.

I fell ill because of the air conditioning, can I still swim?

Most often, the air-conditioning crash is nothing more than a mild cold that hardly disturbs our vacation. That said, if you have fragile ears or if you are prone to sinusitis, it is better avoid putting your head under water. The sinuses are cleaned daily with a seawater spray, and the ear canal with a suitable product (Audispray, Ear Drops with Essences, etc.).

I got a bad sunburn. I have been told regarding the effectiveness of aloe vera. What do I do with it?

Several studies* have shown that aloe vera gel greatly reduces healing time a burn (even second degree). The correct instructions: open the sheet in two, apply the gel to the injured area and repeat as many times as necessary, as long as the gel is absorbed by the skin.

* SAPLE D. G. & al. Aloe vera : a short review. Indian Journal of Dermatology (2008).

No doctor is available at my vacation spot. Is the video consultation reimbursed?

Whether it is an emergency, an appointment with your attending physician or with a specialist respecting the care pathway, the teleconsultation is reimbursed as a face-to-face consultationi.e. up to 70% (or 100% in case of long-term illness, pregnancy, etc.). It is up to the doctor to decide if the video consultation is appropriate and on which platform he wishes to carry it out.

How to fill up on energy before going on a hike?

The ally to adopt? Beet ! Rich in iron and magnesium, but especially in nitrates, has a vasodilating effect and improves oxygenation of the muscles. Combine with the natural sugar of dates and banana to an energy reserve that allows you to walk for several hours without a little hollow. To avoid ? Ginger, loaded with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is invigorating, but not necessarily suitable for prolonged effort. As for orange juice, it brings quickly assimilated sugars, often followed by a good kick. Not ideal. And no matter what we drink before, hydrate with water throughout the hike.

Belly hard and swollen, how to calm it down?

Long live fennel (rather in seeds), which limits the fermentation of food in the colon and facilitates the expulsion of gases. To be associated with a few swimming movements or a self-massage of the belly to relax and soften the area. If the activated vegetable charcoal sold in pharmacies is very effective once morest bloating, this is not the case with cooking charcoal, which is inedible. We are wary of certain fruits such as figs, prunes, but also apricots, nectarines, quinces, pears, currants… very rich in fermentable sugars (Fodmaps), which can aggravate the problem. If the stomach pains are recurrent, we keep a food diary to identify any fruits and vegetables that make us swell.

Coming back from a walk, I find a tick clinging to my leg. What do I do ?

By crushing the tick, by trying to put it to sleep or by removing it abruptly, we risk making it reject under the skin the contents of its stomach, in which there are all kinds of bacteria, including those responsible for Lyme disease. It is therefore better to use a tick remover, fairly quickly (the less time the bug spends planted under the skin, the less likely you are to catch an infection). Good to know: animals can also be infected by a tick bite and fall ill. They are examined each time you return from a walk in the countryside and, if necessary, the insect is removed with a tick remover.

Headache at the end of the day, what solution to relieve the pain?

The cause of the headache determines the treatment. Are they due to tension or tension? Paracetamol will undoubtedly do wonders. But if it’s a heatstroke that is at the origin of the headache, we zap this hard drug to metabolize for the liver, already in difficulty. Instead, we rely on homeopathy: Natrum carbonicum 5CH and Belladonna 5CH (2 granules of each, 3 times a day). In any case, massaging the temples and the bridge of the nose on both sides can provide relief (according to traditional Chinese medicine). Resting, calm and cool is also always a good idea. Conversely, it has never been demonstrated that a difference in heat between the upper and lower body drives away headaches.

SOS I swallowed a wasp

Whether or not you are allergic to wasp venom, head to the hospital, because the wasp can sting in the throat or trachea and cause annoying edema breathing. We swallow the eau-de-vie possibly a posteriori, to recover from our emotions (it is much more effective than to kill the insect!).

Ingrown hair in the jersey, what to do?

The golden rule to avoid aggravating the situation: never shave or wax over an ingrown hair. Successive gentle exfoliations, the application of lukewarm water or green clay (leave on for at least 10 minutes) can help it break through. To remove it, use sterilized tweezers. If a large cyst or a painful boil forms, an antibiotic cream is sometimes necessary: ​​advice is sought from the pharmacist or doctor.

#Summer #sores #reflexes



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