2023-08-14 13:50:44
No one is safe from motion sickness in transport, especially when it comes to a long trip in a stuffy bus without air conditioning. How a person endures the road depends on the work of his vestibular apparatus and external conditions that affect the intensity of suffering.
You may feel nauseous, dizzy, sweaty, and even suffer from uncontrollable vomiting while riding a comfortable taxi. Or, completely unperturbed, sit in the most shaky and gasoline-smelling buses. It’s a very individual experience.
Doctors recommend drinking warm tea before the trip and do not forget to drink water in a sip on the road. Try not to overeat, especially heavy or fatty foods. But mint chewing gum or candies will be very useful to you. You can also periodically inhale the smell of menthol drops or ginger. On the road, try to take a nap, talk to someone, or look at the horizon line outside the window. This will lessen your pain.
Or choose buses that don’t get you sick, like one secret bus in our drawing. In it, the only one never gets sick. Try to calculate it. It differs in one small detail, too small to catch the eye. Therefore, only people with IQ>140 will find this special bus.
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