Latest Updates on Covid-19 in Lebanon: Ministry of Public Health Clarifies the Situation

2023-08-14 11:44:42

The media office at the Ministry of Public Health issued a statement saying: “Inaccurate and exaggerated news is being circulated in some media outlets about a new wave of coronavirus in Lebanon.”

The statement added, “In view of this, the ministry is interested in clarifying that Covid-19 disease, according to the World Health Organization, has become outside the definition of a “health emergency of international concern,” and it still appears in Lebanon, as in other countries, through waves that are often related to the increase in tourism activities and gatherings. or family.”

He continued, “Lebanon has recently witnessed an increase in cases that coincided with the tourist season and an increase in the number of arrivals to the country. However, the recorded cases were mostly mild cases that did not suffer from complications and did not require hospitalization, as the rates of hospital bed occupancy and deaths resulting from the disease remained low (percentage). The use of Covid beds in hospitals is 5%, the death rate for the last 14 days: 0.4 per 100,000).

And the statement stressed, “The Ministry of Public Health is following up with the scientific committees and the World Health Organization the developments of the virus and its mutants, noting that the epidemiological surveillance team is constantly following its work by conducting tests and tracking cases, and that the Ministry will not delay in informing the public of any development or development in this field.” “.

And he added, “The Ministry of Public Health also reminds citizens of the importance of adopting preventive methods from disease, especially the etiquette of coughing and sneezing, washing hands and using a mask when necessary (in case of coughing or being in crowded places), especially for the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases. It also stresses The Ministry stresses the importance of taking the Covid vaccine and its role in preventing complications from the disease.

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The statement concluded, “Finally, the ministry calls on the media to draw information from approved official sources and not to publish any information that lacks scientific accuracy. It also warns against resorting to using the ministry’s name to publish inaccurate information with the aim of provoking follow-up, under penalty of liability.”

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#Inaccurate #news.. #Health #warns

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