Complete Guide to Understanding and Preventing Brain Strokes

2023-08-13 17:04:47

07:53 PM Sunday, August 13, 2023

Books – Saber Najah:

Ameh Al-Dawly suffered from a health problem a few days ago, while he was with the players of Al-Ahly Club in the North Coast, where he suffered a stroke, after which he was transferred to the hospital.

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In the following lines, “The Consulto” reviews everything you need to know about a stroke, according to “Medical News Today.”

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What is a brain stroke?

It is a blood clot that leads to narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels feeding the brain, which leads to a lack of oxygen-laden blood flow to its cells, which puts them at risk of atrophy and death.

Also read: Their symptoms are the same – How do you differentiate between a stroke and a brain hemorrhage?

What causes a stroke?

Stroke is caused by the following risk factors:

– overweight.

– Hypertension.


High cholesterol in the blood.

Heart disease.

– Getting old.

Having a family history of stroke.

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How do you detect a brain stroke?

There are symptoms that can be inferred from a stroke, most notably:

Difficulty speaking.


Inability to move parts of the face, arm or leg.

Difficulty walking.

Difficulty controlling the bladder or bowels.

Paralysis or weakness of one or both sides of the body.

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What is the treatment for brain stroke?

Brain stroke treatment varies from patient to patient, depending on its type, as shown below:

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1- ischemic stroke

It causes blockage or narrowing of the brain vessels, and its treatment is to take medications to dissolve the clot and prevent it from forming again, such as aspirin.

2- Hemorrhagic clot

It leads to blood deposition in the brain, and its treatment focuses on controlling bleeding and reducing fluid pressure on the brain, through medication or surgical intervention.

Also read: What happens in your body when you have a stroke?

What do you do to prevent a stroke?

The risk of a stroke can be reduced by:

– Quit Smoking.

Follow a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

Regular exercise.

Avoid gaining weight.

– Stay away from foods rich in saturated fats, such as fast food, fried foods and processed meats.

– Control high blood pressure by taking the medications prescribed by the doctor and paying attention to good nutrition.

Maintaining a balanced blood sugar.

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