STEP in the province of Buenos Aires: Axel Kicillof wins with 37% and the internal Grindetti-Santilli goes vote by vote

2023-08-14 02:14:00

He provisional result of the PASO elections —with 32.25% of polling stations— in the province of Buenos Aires leans towards the ruling party of Axel Kicillofwith a 37.42% of the votes for the Unión por la Patria candidate. The Buenos Aires governor and pre-candidate for re-election wins unrivaled on the unity list.

Secondly, Together for Change the gubernatorial candidate is debated vote by vote: Nestor Grindetti and Diego Santilli they add up to 31.53% of the votes, with little difference in points. Grindetti, the candidate supported by Patricia Bullrichleads the internal division, with 584,884 votes, while Santilli, the candidate for Horacio Rodriguez Larretahas 567,501 votes.

Third place is occupied by the liberalism of Javier Milei with his candidate Carolina Píparowith 24.14% of the votes.


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