Gérald Darmanin’s Political Return: Portrait of the Winning Candidate for the 2027 Presidential Election

2023-08-13 16:56:52

Gérald Darmanin came out of the woods on Sunday for the presidential election of 2027. He painted the portrait of the candidate capable in his eyes of winning this election, to ultimately portray himself.

In confidences in Figaro, before his trip to Polynesia until the end of next week, the Minister of the Interior sets the tone for “his political return” scheduled for August 27 in his stronghold of Tourcoing in the North, centered on “the popular classes” neglected, according to him, by the political parties.

“What interests me is no longer to look at what happened in 2017 and 2022. What worries me now is what will happen in 2027”, says Gérald Darmanin daily .

“bobo-liberal left”

“We should not put our future in the hands of technology and technicians by using words that the French do not always understand. We must speak from the heart, not with statistics”, he continues. exhausting those who in his eyes represent the government “the bobo-liberal left”.

Gérald Darmanin, who campaigned in vain to replace Elisabeth Borne at Matignon in July, considers that “if the answer of the next presidential candidate (of the majority) is to rely on case law and international markets, then he will acknowledge that the political will is only among the extremes”. “We will lose the election and Marine Le Pen will be elected,” he adds.

He says “to think like Ruffin (LFI) and Roussel (PCF) that it is the social question which is the most important”. “I was rather in the minority for the moment on the importance of the social question, but I hope that the popular compass that I propose will one day be fully heard by the majority”, continues the minister.

Personal return

“After six years in government, I am happy to answer the call of my friends who urge me to affirm a little more the popular compass that I propose”, argues Gérald Darmanin to explain the organization of his meeting in Tourcoing where around 400 people are expected, including 90 parliamentarians and ministers, including Olivier Dussopt (Labour).

He who has responsibilities within the Renaissance presidential party – he is the deputy secretary general in charge of training -, and has no micro-party, has decided on a very personal political comeback.

Elisabeth Borne was not invited to this event, according to a source in the entourage of the Prime Minister. The president of Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné, was informed and invited, according to a member of the party.

But it is emphasized at Renaissance that the meeting of August 27 is organized “by Renaissance militants from the North”. “It’s a hybrid status”, we recognize. All majority parliamentarians have been invited, according to a source close to the organizers.

Strong competition

Gérald Darmanin, who has the ambition to unite the right and to be able to beat Marine Le Pen, faces strong competition. Less than three years before the deadline, the political class is already bubbling, Emmanuel Macron cannot be a candidate for his succession.

On the right, Bruno the Mayor, Edouard Philippe, Xavier Bertrand or Laurent Wauquiez are regularly cited as being tempted.

In this battle, the bonds of friendship no longer have their place. This is how Xavier Bertrand, president of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, to which Gérald Darmanin was close, was neither informed nor invited on August 27, according to a regional source.

During his vacation in the south-east, the Minister of the Interior and his wife were received at the end of July for dinner in Cap-Nègre by Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni, we learned from a close source, confirming information from the JDD.

Gérald Darmanin regularly claims to be the former president, whom he describes as his mentor.

He does not say that he thinks regarding the presidential election “every day while shaving”, as Nicolas Sarkozy had said, but promises that his August 27 will have “a sequel”. Le Figaro who asks him if it is a “coup d’brilliance”, he answers: “‘A coup d’brilliance’, that would mean that there would be no follow-up to this meeting. you, when there will obviously be one”.

This article has been published automatically. Sources: ats / afp

#Darmanin #woods #presidential #election



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