2023-08-13 08:29:30
Why so many differences in the attitudes and ideas of people who eat meat and those who have decided to exclude animal products? A study published by scientists last June might provide the beginning of an answer.
Two French researchers, Laurent Bègue and Kevin Vezirian, looked into the question and came to the conclusion that the brains of vegans and vegetarians do not work in the same way as that of omnivores.
To arrive at this result, the scientists conducted a series of tests aimed at determining whether the person questioned gave rather analytical or instinctive answers to the questions asked.
Vegetarians and other vegans would therefore be more analytical and show a way of thinking that disregards cultural habits or norms. Omnivores, on the other hand, would respond more quickly and intuitively.
The study therefore reveals a different system of thought, but not that excluding meat from one’s diet might make one more intelligent. Science is just beginning to take an interest in the effects of these vegan, vegetarian or vegan diets.
From a mental health perspective, another brazilian scientific study conducted in 2022 had shown that vegans and vegetarians had “twice as many depressive episodes as meat eaters”, which might corroborate the thesis of a different functioning between the brains of the two camps.
#brains #vegans #omnivores #dont #work