Understanding Uterine Prolapse: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2023-08-13 07:02:08

his video, spotted by the American version of HuffPostwent viral on TikTok: a young woman called Lenii panicked women on this social network by talking regarding a taboo gynecological health problem. “Your uterus will fall out when you are older and it will have to be put back into your body”Lenii warned with a nervous laugh.

This TikTok user is referring to uterine prolapse here. This disorder, common in women, defines the descent of an organ. Uterine prolapse thus corresponds to the descent of the uterus into the small pelvis. It can be associated with the descent of the vagina, the bladder, the rectum…

A uterine prolapse occurs when the means of attachment of the uterus – the levator muscles of the perineum and the ligaments – are lacking. This event is favored by repeated pregnanciestoo rapid childbirth or having been accompanied by tears of the perineum or the birth of a large child, in particular following a forceps.

The decline in estrogen associated with menopause also facilitates the onset of genital prolapse due to the loss of tissue elasticity it induces. Excess weight and family factors represent as many predisposing elements.

Lenii’s video, which has accumulated more than 9 million views, has generated many comments from women who have experienced uterine prolapse. And for good reason: it is estimated that it affects one in two women aged 50 to 79. According to the High Authority for Health (HAS) moreover, between 30% and 50% of women of all ages are affected by this genital disease.

A feeling of heaviness in the vagina

“Oh yeah! I am having surgery next week due to a prolapsed uterus. Three words, girls: pelvic floor exercises”, “This is what happened to me”, “Hysterectomy”, can we read, among other things, in the comments of the video posted by the young woman.

“The most common symptoms of uterine prolapse are pressure, a feeling of bloating or heaviness in the vagina, and the impression that something is coming out”, summarizes in the HuffPost the American emergency nurse Jen Hamilton, member of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses.

Although this “organ descent” does not not be dangerous per sethis can lead to pain and discomfort, depending on the severity of the prolapse.

Organ descent: a gynecological examination is necessary

“Some people need to use a finger to push that bulge back inside. in order to be able to urinate or have a bowel movement”, develops, always in the columns of HuffPost, doctor Karen Tang, surgeon in gynecology.

Sexual life is generally undisturbed, but can be when the prolapse is important. The examination of the vulva and the gynecological examination, in particular during pushing efforts, will make it possible to identify the presence of a uterine prolapse and to assess its importance. Despite the modesty and embarrassment you may feel, it is important to consult quickly if you have the impression that something is wrong in your small pelvis. Take leaks and urinary tract infections seriously, as well as difficulty passing stools.

#affects #women



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