In Évreux, a video game tournament organized at La Madeleine

2023-08-12 14:30:01

Par Simon Lenormand
Published on August 12, 23 at 4:30 pm See my news Follow La Dépêche Évreux The players must reproduce a choreography while a sensor follows their movements. ©SL

On to the games! The Joliot-Curie gymnasium, in the La Madeleine district of Évreux (Eure), hosted on Tuesday August 8, 2023, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., a video game tournament called Urbania game day. At the helm of the event, Bastien Camus, coordinator of the AL2E, which manages two social centres, in Nétreville and La Madeleine. “This will allow us to create links with young people, to explain our missions and above all to create life in the neighborhood”, he explains.

On the program: the FIFA football game, crazy Mario Kart races and wild choreography, with Just Dance. “FIFA is a game played by the vast majority of young people. We activate the right levers to make it work, justifies the organizer. We also pay special attention to the female public, who come to our centers less than the boys. We have work to do to improve the mix. Without falling into caricature, a game like Just Dance is more attractive for young girls. »

To be won, at the end of the tournament, gift cards of 10 to 20 euros in a sports brand, as well as t-shirts. “The goal of the game is not to offer a Playstation, but to reward participation, respect and fair play. »


The event was organized with the financial support of the Departmental Council and in partnership with other structures in the social sector, such as the Espace jeunes de la Ville d’Évreux. Specialized educators and mediators were present to animate a food stand.

The makey makey allows Antoine Chevalier to explain how a gamepad works. ©SL

La Manufacture, an association for popular education around science and digital technology, had a stand dedicated to retrogaming, a practice that consists of playing old video games or collecting them. Old cult machines such as the Megadrive, Master System, Nintendo 64 and other Playstation One were on display for young visitors. In addition, emulators offered them the possibility of discovering emblematic games of the 1990s, such as Street Fighters 2, Sonic and NBA Jam.

“Video games are an integral part of culture today, just like music or cinema,” says Antoine Chevalier, digital animator at La Manufacture. These old consoles also allow them to realize the evolution of technology. »

The educational aspect also involved the demonstration of a makey makey, a kit with “alligator clips connected to a printed circuit, to make a game controller and understand the principles of conductors in electronics”. In short, show young people how a gamepad works.

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Sofian and Anass, aged 13 and 12, first came for the FIFA tournament. While waiting for it to start, the two teenagers try a game of Streets of Rage, a fighting game published by Sega and released in 1991. “It’s true that it’s not the type of game we have today. today… But it’s okay, it’s good! “, they greet.

The FIFA tournament, with its updated scoreboard, was the center of attention. ©SL

Further on, Gaëlle, 14, and Ferlud, 12, are waiting their turn for Just Dance, a game whose objective is to reproduce the choreography of dancers on screen. Points are awarded to players using a sensor that tracks their movements. “It’s this game that interests me the most. I will stay all day! “says the first. The second, already experienced in the exercise, intends to participate in the tournament. “I already play it at home. This is the game that made me want to come. »

Culinary simulation

Further on, Eliana and Thalia, 11, play Overcooked with Léa Cipriani, facilitator at the La Madeleine social center. The game, which simulates a restaurant kitchen where you have to prepare a large number of dishes in a given time, requires cooperation and coordination. While one “prepares the pots and dishes”, another takes care of “the salmon and seaweed”, “OK, I’ll take care of the rice!” “, announces the last.

“It’s a very good game for team spirit, judges the host. Overall, this event allows young people to get together rather than play alone in their room, in a spirit of sharing and while being supervised”.

At the end of the operation, the organizers had identified about 150 participants.

Eight players could compete simultaneously on Mario Kart. ©Simon Lenormand

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