1900 Era Festival in Sart: Crafts, Entertainment, and Traditional Delicacies

2023-08-11 16:03:00

1. When and where? This Saturday and Sunday August 12 and Sunday August 13, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the village of Sart where individuals open the doors of their house, barn and the gates of their gardens as usual.

2. what does it consist of? A hundred craftsmen will bring you back to the 1900 era with a focus on the woodworking trades that are in the spotlight this year such as lumberjacks, pit sawyers, spruce peelers, knackers, wheelwrights, chair caning, lathe wood, clog makers etc. Many other trades will be discovered such as dowsers, ploughmen, brickmakers, peat briquettes, ironworkers, tool sharpeners, farriers, scythe beaters, grinders, glaziers, sheep shearing, spinning wheels, doormat manufacturing , cow milking, haymaking, bread making, goose herders, horse or dog teams, postmen, “cutes fear” merchants, firefighters or even teachers.

3. What’s new anyway? Two new professions are appearing this edition, the milliner who imagines and makes custom hats and head accessories and the brewer who will produce beer using an ancestral method, over a wood fire. In addition, other activities are also scheduled for children: school children on a walk, storyteller, bobbin lace, workshop for building toys of yesteryear, puppet theater, treasure hunt. And for adults: bowling, card games. Musical entertainment will also be there almost permanently with period sounds, concerts, traditional dance shows, puppets. The local actors who perform during the village fair will offer skits in Walloon in the church and a folk ball is planned for this Saturday evening, hosted by the Trivelin group, with an introduction to dances by Pierre Hurdebise.

4. Where to park? The center of Sart will obviously be closed to traffic. Parking will be compulsory and free (see below) on the outskirts of the village. Signage provided on site. Disabled parking will also be provided.

5. Am I going with my sandwiches? Your choice… But many traditional dishes are prepared on site: matoufêt, waffles, long soup, fricassee, bacon salad, pastries, bread baked in the wood oven, cûtespeures, toast with poye stron, cheeses and many more. still others. There will also be many beverages to taste on site, such as special beers.

How much does it cost?

Admission is completely free, a commitment that the cultural committee of Sart-Jalhay is particularly keen to respect. The animations are also offered thanks in large part to the contribution of more than 1,500 dedicated volunteers. In addition, parking will also be available free of charge.

Change your euros

The sarto will be the only local currency in circulation during the festival. Visitors will thus have the opportunity to exchange their euros to enjoy the drinks and traditional dishes on offer (see above). No craftsman can and wants to sell his production on site. Only a few products will be available in the store provided for the occasion.

#Vieux #Métiers #Sart



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