Joe Biden warns of China’s Economic Crisis and Aging Workforce: A Ticking Time Bomb

2023-08-11 20:12:03

US President Joe Biden said during a speech in Utah that China was a “ticking time” bomb. The candidate for his re-election indicated that the country was experiencing a high unemployment rate, in particular because of the aging of its population.

US President Joe Biden said Thursday, August 10, that China, the United States’ great rival, was “a ticking time bomb”, citing its economic problems and its aging workforce. “China is a ticking time bomb in many ways,” he said during a trip to Utah in the west of the country.

The Democrat pointed out that the country was experiencing high unemployment and that its workforce was aging. Because of this, “China is in trouble,” he said. For Joe Biden, this gives cause for concern because “when the wrong people have problems, they do wrong things”.

At the end of June, the president had offended Beijing by considering that his counterpart Xi Jinping belonged to the category of “dictators”, a comment seen as a “provocation” by Chinese diplomacy. This Thursday, August 10, Joe Biden however assured that he was seeking to maintain “a rational relationship with China”. “I mean no harm to China, but I am watching,” added the President of the United States.

The United States recently relaunched its dialogue with China, with a succession of visits by senior American officials to Beijing, including the head of diplomacy Antony Blinken. The purpose of this trip was to turn the page on a recent episode of tension, around a Chinese balloon described as a “spy” shot down by the United States in February.

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