Inaccurate Address Files Result in Unpaid Municipal Tax: Stein’s Frustration with Bpost and Municipal Authorities

2023-08-11 17:43:00

In 2020, Stein moved, but he remained in the same municipality, Stekene. A municipality located west of Antwerp and in which the inhabitants are subject to a tax to be paid because they live in a municipality located in the Polders (an artificial expanse of land on the water, editor’s note) of the country of Waas. A tax worth 12.5 euros, therefore.

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Except, according to Stein, he didn’t get the bill until January 2021…and at his old home. He claims to have warned Bpost, but invoice reminders continued to be sent to his former home.

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His tax has therefore remained unpaid since then and, on Tuesday, a bailiff arrived at his door: “I was in shock. Suddenly I had 24 hours to pay over 300 euros,” he told Nieuwslad. “All the authorities, national and provincial, were able to find me in my new home, but not the municipal authorities”, he regrets.

On the side of the municipal authorities precisely, we say we are annoyed by this situation, but we assure that we have managed the file “as a good father”. “We stick to the addresses received each year by the cadastre”, we are assured. And unfortunately for Stein, it is the address at which he was domiciled on January 1, 2020 that counts.

The municipality sends Stein back to Bpost: “This is where the responsibility must lie”. On the side of the postal service, we do not know how to help him because we can only find the letters of the last year.

Stein finally paid the bill, but was nonetheless bitter: “It’s not the substance that bothers me, but the form… I found myself back once morest the wall”.

#shock #hours #pay #euros



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