Postpartum Hair Loss: Causes, Recovery, and Treatment – Balmers Oriental Clinic

2023-08-11 08:27:45

[메디컬투데이=김준수 기자] Pregnancy and childbirth are celebrations to be celebrated by all. The birth of life is a joy, but if the mother’s hair falls noticeably following giving birth, the mother’s stress cannot be expressed in words.

Losing a lot of hair following giving birth is a natural symptom, and it can be restored with sufficient rest and postpartum care. However, if hair thinning does not recover even following several months following giving birth or hair loss progresses beyond the normal range, it can be seen as a stage in which treatment is needed.

What is the cause of occurrence? During pregnancy, a large amount of estrogen is secreted, which prevents hair from falling out. However, following giving birth, the hormones that increased during pregnancy return to normal levels, and the hair that has not fallen out all at once falls off and has a resting period.

If there is no major health problem, there are many cases that recover naturally without treatment. However, if postpartum care is insufficient or the hair is weak, it can lead to severe hair loss, so care is needed.

▲ Director Jung-ae Hong (Photo = Courtesy of Balmers Oriental Clinic)
Hong Jeong-ae, director of Balmers Oriental Clinic Seongdong Branch, said, “After giving birth, mothers are quickly aware of hair loss because the amount of hair loss increases rapidly. It is hair loss with a clear cause like this, and recovery is quicker than other types of hair loss because the body has good recovery following giving birth.”

“Women who experience hair loss often have a stomachache, uterine disease, digestive disease, or thyroid disease. Therefore, in oriental medicine, it is important to restore the health of the uterus and raise the core body temperature following childbirth. In addition, if there are problems with the thyroid or digestive system, this part should also be treated,” he said. It is better to visit and receive treatment.”

After giving birth, many women feel depressed because of rapid hormonal changes, childbirth-related stress, and the burden of childrearing. Therefore, it is good to change your mood by basking in the sun outside or doing light exercise. Also, rather than consuming a lot of animal protein for breastfeeding, eating foods rich in vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals helps in recovery.

Reporter Kim Junsu of Medical Today (

[저작권자ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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