Cotton crop may have record productivity

2023-08-10 18:35:07

Cotton crop 2022/23 in MT may have a historical productivity record

Specialists who will be present at the 15th Cotton Technical Meeting, by the MT Foundation, from August 28 to 30, in Cuiabá, say that a good part of the crops in the State will reach more than 300 arrobas per hectare
The 2022/2023 cotton crop in Brazil has shown promising results in the main producing states. Different from the past cycle, when climatic problems impaired the vegetative development and the formation of bolls and resulted in below-average yields. According to estimates by the Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers (Abrapa), the country should harvest three million tons of lint, an increase of 18% compared to 2021/22 and considered a historic level.

The current cotton cycle occupies 1.67 million hectares, which places Brazil among the four largest producers in the world, behind China, India and the United States. Mato Grosso, with 1.2 million, is the largest national producer and the retrospective of the 22/23 harvest in the State, with its challenges and lessons learned, will be one of the themes of the XV Technical Cotton Meeting, from August 28 to 30, in Cuiabá . Held by the Mato Grosso Agricultural Research Support Foundation (MT Foundation), the panel will discuss what happened in each MT producing region on the morning of August 29th.

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Márcio Souza, coordinator of Projects and Diffusion of Technologies of the Imamt – Instituto Mato-grossense do Algodão, moderator of the retrospective, points out that cotton planting in the State suffered an average of ten days of delay. Sowing took place between the end of January and February 10th and worried producers who feared that there would be a lack of rain in May, bringing negative effects to production as in the previous season. However, there was a good amount of rain, which lasted until June in most regions.


The rainfall scenario extends the crop cycle in the field, but, on the other hand, it helps to ensure good yield potential and fiber quality. This is the expectation of entities and cotton growers so far, with around 26% of the harvested area. “We believe in record production in the BR-163 crops. Sapezal and Campo Novo do Parecis will produce very well, as will the south of the state, and Vale do Araguaia will be within average. Last year there was talk of 235 arrobas per hectare in seed, but this year we expect an average productivity of 300@/ha, with regions exceeding that. It will be one of the best years historically in MT”, indicates the coordinator of the Imamt.


Despite the optimism brought about by good weather conditions, diseases and pests demanded attention from cotton producers in this season as well. The high volume of rains until the month of March and the frequency of precipitations until April created a favorable environment for the target spot (Corynespora cassiicola), mainly, in addition to Ramularia spot (Ramulariopsis spp.) and White mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ).

“From the first 50 days to 110 days, the greatest pressure was on the target spot, causing severe defoliation of the plants and, in more serious cases, leading to the abortion of the apples. Then, after 120 days, with a drier environment, the incidence of this disease reduced considerably and Ramularia gained importance”, highlights João Paulo Ascari, phytopathologist and researcher at the MT Foundation.

The specialist also explains that the problems with white mold also occurred during the reproductive phase of the crop, largely due to the higher humidity present. However, the highest incidence of structures with rot was in higher regions, above 500 meters of altitude.

Cotton Researcher at Fundação MT

With regard to pests, the incidence of the cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) was higher in crops in the south of Mato Grosso, according to the coordinator of the Imamt. “For one or another producer it caused a production problem, but whoever carried out the control management in the most adequate way, respecting the recommendations recommended by the research, was successful”. He emphasizes that for the next harvest the species needs to be considered as a concern, but “not that it is out of control, it is a matter of correct management of products in some areas”.

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On the other hand, Spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), according to Souza, is present in all regions and demands maximum attention to prevent its occurrence and rotation of products available for control. “Another problem that has grown in the cotton crop is weeds, such as weeds in all regions, button broom on BR-163 and Caruru, in addition to chicken-foot grass. , in Sapezal and Campo Novo do Parecis”, he adds.

Elena Santos – cotton researcher in Rondonópolis MT

Bahia will also have good productivity in the cotton crop

To contribute to the report on the cotton crop in Bahia, where 312,600 hectares were sown, and also a summary of the Brazil crop, agronomist and consultant Ezelino Carvalho, member of the Brazilian Group of Cotton Consultants, will be present at the Technical Meeting – GBCA. For him, the attention of the next season should be on El Niño and what can be done to minimize its effects. “It can change the rainfall regime and we know that for the North and Northeast regions it can be drier”, he defines.

If the presence of the phenomenon is confirmed, the consultant believes that more preventive actions will be necessary to control caterpillars common to cotton, mites and also thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). “It is a difficult problem to control in drier years, requiring more applications”, he adds.
The consultant also warns of the loss of efficiency of biotechnologies developed to control caterpillars (Lepidoptera). “It was a reason for attention this season and will continue to be so in the next.

According to the field data, this is a problem that directly impacts the profitability of the crop – the cost of technologies added to the cost of insecticides – and with the dry climate the intensity of caterpillars is greater and, consequently, the number of applications”, notes Carvalho.

The event

The cotton crop retrospective will also feature reports from the Biacon (North and Mid-North), Locks (West), WDF Agro (South) and Horita (Bahia) groups. And also with the lecture “Climate and its effects on the development of the plant – 22/23 harvest”, with the postdoctoral fellow in cotton physiology and coordinator of the graduate program in agronomy at Unoeste, Fábio Rafael Echer.
To register and participate in the XV Encontro Técnico Algodão, from August 28th to 30th, at the Gran Odara hotel, in Cuiabá, visit

About the MT Foundation

MT Foundation: Created in 1993, the institution plays an important role in the development of agriculture, providing support to the agricultural environment in its mission to provide technical, impartial and reliable information to guide the producer’s decision-making process. The headquarters are located in Rondonópolis-MT, with three laboratories and greenhouses, six Learning and Dissemination Centers (CAD) distributed throughout the State in the municipalities of Sapezal, Sorriso, Nova Mutum, Itiquira, Primavera do Leste with a support point in Campo Verde and Serra da Petrovina in Pedra Preta. For more information access and download the institution’s application.

Fonte: Ruralpress

#Cotton #crop #record #productivity

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