Big Brother’s New Format Revealed: Live Nominations and Game-Changing Strategies

2023-08-09 21:02:00

By Martín Toro August 9, 2023 at 5:02 p.m.

This Wednesday night, the new episode of “Big Brother” will have a change in its format. Today it is up to know who are the participants most voted for by their peers, who will finally end up on the nomination plate to leave the reality show.

Instead of making the nominations during a whole day, they will be made live and direct at tonight’s “Big Brother” gala, as was reported by the member of the panel of experts Francisca García-Huidobro, who also will be present in the studio.

The animator made this known through her Instagram stories, “while we are on the air, (the participants) will be summoned to the confessional, so we will know at that precise moment how this week’s plaque looks,” she reported.

The outlook for tonight

This is added to the legacy vote of the last eliminated from the house, Viviana, which has not yet been revealed. In the same way, the new strategy that was discussed by Fran and Alessia will be revealed, who assured that they were voting badly since their friends are constantly being eliminated when facing “Pincoya” and Constanza.

“I think we have to start changing the game because I already understood that this way (as they continue to vote), you, Skarleth, and then me, are going to leave, and all the hueones are going to stay here. We are voting badly”, assured Fran. She believes that if there are more members of her piece on the board, it won’t necessarily end up with someone from her group of friends.

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