Unlocking the Potential: How to Earn Thousands of Euros on X (the new name of Twitter)

2023-08-09 13:05:46

Receiving several thousand euros for posts on X (the new name of Twitter), a dream or a reality? Several users of the social network have announced that they have received their first “payslip” for a few days. The news spread like wildfire, driven in particular by the InfoAlerts accountheld by Moussa, 22 years old.

The young man shared a screenshot while stating: “Twitter’s first payday has fallen! I just received €6850.82“. An astronomical sum that did not fail to provoke many reactions, with some designating the account as a “looter“.

AlertesInfo includes news released in the media but without ever affixing a link to the source (which violates copyright). A way of working decried by many journalists who are indignant to see such a sum paid into the account of the young Moussa. Followed by 322,000 Internet users, he estimates that these revenues correspond to more than 2 billion views since his subscription to Twitter Blue, the paid subscription, last March.

“Very far from the sums fantasized in the collective imagination”

This example, which caused a real outcry on one side and significant support on the other, is nevertheless to be put into perspective. If X is starting to monetize posts, it seems difficult to become a content creator on this social network. Indeed, other accounts have shared their income and they are much less.

The streamer and videographer Michou, yet followed on X by nearly 2 million people, also shared his remuneration which is far from thousands of euros. “I’ll be able to put the daronne in the shelter with that“, he quips above a screenshot attesting to a transfer of … €91.98.

football hopesa smaller account but still followed by 151,000 X users, also announced its remuneration “a priori retroactive to March 2023“. The Internet user behind this account would therefore have earned €194.62 on X, i.e. “very far from the sums fantasized in the collective imagination“.

Guillaume Champeaulawyer and founder of Numérama, would earn €273.15 “for 5 months of revenue sharing of X, i.e. €54/month on average“. “Since it’s a bonus, it’s always good to take but let’s be realistic, it won’t allow me to drop everything to finally become a professional creator of X content“, he specifies.

The example of the AlertesInfos account therefore stands out from the others and it does seem complicated to benefit from a real salary thanks to content on X. One thing is certain, however, monetization on X provokes many debates.

How Pay on X Works

To be paid on X, it is not enough to generate many views but you must meet very specific conditions, detailed on the official page.

To be eligible for monetization, three criteria are retained:

Be subscribed to the Twitter Blue subscription (9.6 euros / month) Have accumulated at least 15 million impressions on posts in the last three months Have at least 500 “followers”.

It is also necessary to respect some rules concerning violent content, or promoting illegal products and services for example.

On the other hand, this monetization program is still rather vague since no information concerning the way in which these amounts are calculated has been made public.

#Twitter #begins #paying #subscribers



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