Minister Dermagne plays big by getting involved in the Delhaize file

2023-08-09 12:21:06

Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne invites Delhaize management and unions to a consultation meeting. Very difficult task…

Pierre-Yves Dermagne, PS Minister of Labor and the Economy, convenes Delhaize employee representatives and the Group CEO for a meeting next week. The date is not yet fixed.

It will be, according to the press release, “to obtain clear commitments for current and future workers stores that will be franchised” and “to think regarding the future of structures that would not find a buyer.”

“We would like him to force the negotiation which the management refuses.”

Myriam Djegham

National Secretary of the CNE for the trade sector

“We had requested this meeting on June 30, when we landed on rue de la Loi”, recalls Myriam Djegham, national secretary of the CNE for the trade sector. But what can unions expect from such a meeting? “We would like him to force the negotiation that the management refuses. That he confront Delhaize with his contradictions, that he sees the circumvention of the Renault procedure.”

Reconcile, but not force

“The role of the political world, in this context, is to reconcile on the basis of the Belgian model of social peace“, poses Manou Doutrepont, expert in social relations.

“I doubt the minister will get anywhere…”

Manou Doutrepont

Expert in social relations

“He chooses the most favorable moment to succeed, as a good tactician, judges the expert. Before, both the unions and the management were certain that their strategy would succeed. Today, everyone realizes that the damage caused is too great. I think every party knows they’re going to have to water down their wine.”

Risk of losing face?

But why is the minister intervening in this file today, when he did not do so to macro, whose bankruptcy cost 1,400 people their jobs? “For electoral reasons?, wonders Manou Doutrepont. However, he risks losing face. I doubt Delhaize will cede anything once more, following having already given guarantees and offered bonuses. I doubt the minister will get anywhere…”

Myriam Djegham refused talk regarding hope. But she points out that the situation is different from that of a fortnight ago. “Now, independent managers are confirming what the unions are saying: the franchise report model is problematiche will force the buyers to lay off staff.

Change the rules

Pierre-Yves Dermagne also wishes to changing the legislation on collective redundancy and business transfer. For Steve Gilson, a lawyer specializing in labor law, the political world has two levers to help resolve this kind of conflict.

“Minister Dermagne can intervene by changing the provisions relating to joint committees so that there is no longer this competition between franchisees and non-franchisees.”

Steve Gilson

Lawyer specializing in labor law

“Minister Dermagne can intervene by doing cchange the provisions relating to joint committees so that there is no more this competition between franchisees and non-franchisees. Franchising would be of less interest to the company,” explains the lawyer.

Steve Gilson is also considering the option of a globalization of all franchisees within a single structure. To have a works council, you need 100 workers. For a committee for prevention and protection at work, 50 are needed. the emergence of a technical operating unit bringing together all Delhaize franchisees. But these changes would make some bosses scream, since the current rules have been designed in favor of smaller structures…”

#Minister #Dermagne #plays #big #involved #Delhaize #file



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