2023-08-09 04:00:00
Theresia Schenk from Ottensheim had actually never had much to do with kayaking. “I grew up in Niederwaldkirchen in the Mühlviertel, there are no water sports there,” says the 57-year-old. That all changed, however, when her daughter started kayaking at the Ottensheim water sports club around ten years ago.
Schenk’s daughter’s passion for the sport also got hold of him at the time: “I started paddling seven years ago.” Several times a month, she even leads the “trial paddling” where interested parties can try out their skills with the narrow boat.
Within the association, Schenk tackles “wherever her help is needed”. She also regularly organizes the buffet at the regattas in Ottensheim.
But the mother is also always involved in the kayaking competitions of the now 17-year-old daughter. Most recently, we went to Bratislava to see the “Olympic Hopes” or to Auronzo di Cadore in Italy.
For Schenk, who works as a nurse in the intensive care unit on the Linz Neuromed Campus, the togetherness and cohesion in the association are the “perfect balance to everyday professional life”. She would also enjoy “the stillness on the water during a kayak tour”.
Theresia Schenk is one of 200,000 volunteers in Upper Austria’s sports clubs, without whose active help many things would not work. They are usually not in the front row with their work, and yet they are the ones who keep the company running with commitment and empathy. “Thank you” is the name of the election in which the Sportland Oberösterreich is looking for the “volunteers of the year” together with the OÖNachrichten, Tips, Life Radio and TV1.
Deadline ends tomorrow
Nominate your volunteers by August 10th, who have more than earned a big thank you and the volunteer award! There is 1000 euros to be won for all district winners and additional prize money for the three state winners. Nominate now and cast your vote: nachrichten.at/ehrenamt.
Philip Fellinger
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