Rising Property Tax Rates: Impact on Owners and Tenants in Brussels

2023-08-08 06:04:00

Bad news for owners and a fortiori tenants: the property tax continues to climb. In theory, it increases by one to two percent each year. Except that in two years, the increase went up to nearly 30%! Brussels is mainly affected by this increase.

The regional tax remains in fact the same, but it is the municipalities that drive up the price with their tax.

An increase in landlord taxes is never good news for tenants“, deplores Olivier de Clippele, the president of the national union of owners and co-owners of Brussels.Either because lessors will sell their property, which will lead to an increase in prices by a scarcity of supply. Either because the lessor will try to pass on the burden of these taxes to the tenant.

“You have to realize that it is not good news for Brussels to increase property tax so shamelessly.“, he castigates once more.

property tax
#good #news #property #tax #literally #exploded #years



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