Discover the Hidden Dangers of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Alsace, France

2023-08-07 18:35:35

“Tick-borne encephalitis? It’s a bitch! Any minute you’re sick, with monstrous headaches, like never before, fever, alogia [perte de la faculté de parler, NDLR]. You are broken, broken, broken! Albert, who took part in the first day of awareness of vector-borne diseases linked to ticks, organized by the University Hospitals of Strasbourg and the Club vosgien in the Robertsau forest, remembers as if it were yesterday the time he developed tick-borne encephalitis, following being bitten by the giant mite. But that was eighteen years ago…

Alsace, a “historic” center in France

Less known because less common than Lyme borreliosis, encephalitis…

#Great #East #Tickborne #encephalitis #disease #transmitted #giant #mite

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