Police Officer with Medical License, Fake Detective, and Alleged Witness: The Strange Case of a Nonexistent Search Warrant

2023-08-07 22:50:00

what were they doing a police officer with a medical license, a fake detective from the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), a uniformed civilian, and an alleged witness in a vehicle waiting to make a “search warrant” that did not exist?

The scene, which took place on May 17 of this year in Pampa and Juan Pablo II, in the Belgrano neighborhood, reached its judicial outcome last Friday. The four accused pleaded responsible of different crimes and Judge Rodrigo Santana approved the abbreviated agreements presented by the prosecutor José Luis Caterina and the defenses.

This way, the answer to the question will remain in the field of speculation or in the underworld. The penalties range from 40 days in prison to two years. Only one of the convicted, the AIC trucho agent, is still in custody, since the agreement contemplated a previous case for gender violence.

the sub-inspector Gabriela Ballon (46 years); the freighter Gustavo Mourglia (35); the chapero Lucas Dilascio (34) and his nephew, the construction worker Alejandro Dilascio (27), were the protagonists of the false procedure, perhaps a preparatory act of a crime whose investigation did not advance.

That night in May, the four of them were inside a Toyota Corolla tinted windows. The car had been parked since 10 p.m. and, an hour later, the occupants were questioned by police from the Radioelectric Command (CRE) who demanded their identification. The presence of the car had awakened the suspicion from several neighbors who called 911. The recordings were part of the evidence presented by prosecutor Caterina.

“Hello, yes, I called because There is a car on Calle Juan Pablo II at 1500, by Pampa, a black car. Please, if the mobile can come. please because they say they are police and it is something strange. My husband has to arrive with the baby and the car seems strange to me. If they can send it now because it’s rare ”, was one of the several calls that entered 911.

“Cops don’t drive around in a tinted car,” a caller tearfully reiterated to the 911 operator. The operator was initially incredulous, according to the investigation.

At one point, the woman who was waiting to enter her house even called again and wanted to cancel the mobile phone request, which apparently took time to confirm the situation. “I had called to let him know about a car. [Los ocupantes del Toyota] They realized that we did not enter out of fear, a girl came down and yes, they are all dressed as policemen and she said they were doing a missionyes a mission, that we stay calm, that they are policemen, ”says the recording.

When the CRE policemen arrived, Ballón and the others said they were part of a police operation and were waiting for a prosecutor’s order to start a search. The sub-inspector said she was staff from the 20th sub-station –although she had been on leave since the end of March-; Mourglia said he was “from the PDI” and was in civilian clothes. Lucas Dilascio had a police garibaldina with junk as a sub-inspector. And Alexander claimed to be a witness “raised up” from the Ludueña area.

The whole story fell apart when they were asked credentials and regulatory weapons. “It was very striking and I miss everything. Nothing framed us at all. That three policemen do not have a weapon. Neither credential nor do they know his identification number, it was rare, ”said a CRE non-commissioned officer. Again, the definition of the scene as “weird.”

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The four marched handcuffed and the prosecutor delegated the proceedings to the Judicial Division and then to the Police Control Agency. In the Toyota they kidnapped “various items of clothing, two latex gloves, a police cap and a replica of a pistol-type firearm.”

Ballón was sentenced to 6 months in effective prison and disqualified for four years. for abuse of authority and use of insignia and insignia of a position that he does not exercise as author. And simple threats and abuse of authority for a previous episode related to one of his children.

In December 2021, the woman wanted to hinder the arrest of her son LR, in front of her house in Callao at 6000. The deputy inspector presented herself in a bad way and rebuked her colleagues. Besides, invoked contacts with the then deputy police chief, Marcelo “Malevo” Mendozanow available without pay and considered by investigators to be a man close to the woman’s ex-husband, the former police officer Juan Jose Raffofugitive from Justice in a resonant cause.

What the hell are they doing? I have to leave the service in the sub 20th to take care of these things, take off the handcuffs and release my son who is not a criminal. You don’t know who you’re messing with. They won’t take my son away, I’ll call the deputy police chief Mendoza and face the consequences“. It was Ballón’s reaction to the arrest of his son.

Mourglia declared himself responsible for abuse of authority as a secondary participant and use of insignia and insignia of a position that he does not exercise as author; and of coercive threats and disobedience. The latter for a cause of gender violence against his ex-partner. He agreed to a two-year prison sentence. According to the case, on April 23, 2023, she, along with her sister and her father, beat and threatened the woman at the Emmaus Health Center.

Lucas Dilascio, meanwhile, was sentenced to five months in effective prison for abuse of authority as a secondary participant and use of insignia and emblems of a position that he does not exercise and qualified damage as the author. It happens that, while he was detained in the transitory prison of the Judicial Division, he broke a Durlock wall with the intention of hiding the police insignia that he was wearing and a cell phone that had been overlooked in the search.

His nephew, the “witness” of the procedure, was sentenced to 40 days in effective prison for abuse of authority as a secondary participant.

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