2023 Zhejiang Provincial Taiji Push Hands Competition: Spectacular Performances and Impressive Results

2023-08-07 13:11:00

The three-day 2023 Zhejiang Provincial 7th Taiji Push Hands Competition and Staff Tai Chi Push Hands Competition came to an end in Yueqing, Wenzhou recently. Under the leadership of coach Xu Youjiang, three athletes from our city have undergone high-intensity competitions, tested their physical fitness and skills to the limit, demonstrated super perseverance and will, and won 3 golds, 2 silvers and 2 bronzes.

It is understood that this competition is guided by the Zhejiang Martial Arts Association, and is divided into male and female groups such as competitive group, pile-on group, and public group. Among them, the competitive group and pile-on group adopt children, youth, adults, and middle-aged weights. Grading. In the end, Champion Mao won gold medals in the 48kg and 52kg classes and silver medals in the 60kg class; Shen Xiaobin won the gold medal in the 85kg class, the silver medal in the 85kg class and the bronze medal in the 85kg class; He Feng won the bronze medal in the 75kg class .

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