Discover the Health Benefits of Watermelon: Hydration, Weight Management, Disease Prevention, and More

2023-08-06 12:18:52

03:15 PM Sunday, August 06, 2023

I wrote – Nada Najid:

Many people eat watermelon in the summer, because it contains a high percentage of water that helps moisturize the body, and it also contains many beneficial nutrients, which reduces the chances of disease, and it can be eaten in more than one way, whether juice or fresh. .

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Watermelon contains potassium, an essential mineral that supports nerve and muscle function and fluid balance in the body. In addition to vitamin C, it contains good amounts of vitamin A.

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Also, the disease-fighting antioxidants found in watermelon, such as lycopene and cucurbitacin E, may help protect against diseases such as cancer or diabetes.

Watermelon peels contain less sugar and more fiber than their flesh and also contain citrulline. Dried or raw watermelon seeds are rich in magnesium and folate, which helps the body function well and ward off disease.

The seeds also contain types of fatty acids that lower harmful cholesterol in the blood and help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

In the following lines, the Consulto reviews the most prominent health benefits of watermelon when eating it, and its side effects, according to what was published by the “Clevelandclinic” website.

Health benefits of watermelon

1. It keeps the body hydrated

A little dehydration can have a negative effect, causing fatigue, muscle cramps, and headaches. Watermelon contains 92% water, so it is an easy way to hydrate the body. Eating a little watermelon after physical activity or strenuous exercise helps replenish the body’s electrolytes and carbohydrates.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

Watermelon can be a great choice when trying to maintain or achieve a healthy weight, since it contains a lot of water, and watermelon has few calories and can keep you feeling full for longer.

A 2019 study of 33 obese people showed that those who ate watermelon instead of a low-fat biscuit every day for 4 weeks experienced less hunger and less cravings. In this study, eating watermelon was associated with lower body weight and lower body mass index (BMI). ), and lower blood pressure.

3. It prevents diseases

Early evidence suggests that eating watermelon regularly promotes good health and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer, thanks in part to its antioxidants, which help protect the body from stress and prevent or slow cell damage.

Watermelon contains more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable, and it’s also the highest source of the amino acid citrulline, which produces a molecule called nitric oxide that helps relax blood vessels.

The nutritional benefits of watermelon help combat blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation that can lead to disease.

In one small study, watermelon extract lowered blood pressure in middle-aged adults with early-onset hypertension and obesity.

4. Promotes eye health

The nutrients in watermelon serve a particularly beneficial purpose when it comes to the eyes. The antioxidants may help prevent or delay the formation of cataracts. They also reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, which can cause blindness.

Vitamin A in watermelon also supports corneal health.

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5. It strengthens the immune system

Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, “ascorbic acid”, which supports the immune system and fights germs and infection, and may also help reduce the risk of cancer.

6. Relieves muscle soreness

Watermelon and watermelon juice helps the body recover and feel better after exercise, thanks to citrulline, which helps produce nitric oxide to improve blood flow and muscle function. Citrulline also removes ammonia from the body, and this reduces the amount of a substance called lactate that builds up in the body during exercise. Exercising can lead to muscle soreness.

7. Promotes healthy skin

The vitamin C in watermelon helps the body produce collagen, which supports the immune system and promotes cell health and the ability to heal from injuries.

Collagen gives strength and elasticity to the skin and helps replace dead skin cells, which means that eating watermelon can improve complexion and slow age-related effects.

The vitamin A produced by the beta-carotene in watermelon helps repair skin cells, preventing scaly skin, and vitamin B6 may help prevent acne.

8. It improves digestion

The polyphenols in watermelon feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which not only facilitates digestion, but also boosts the immune system and helps the gut produce essential nutrients.

9. Manages blood sugar

Watermelon is a great alternative when trying to maintain steady blood sugar levels or reduce the risk of diabetes. It contains few carbohydrates and a low glycemic index, meaning that watermelon enters the bloodstream and produces less glucose than other foods.

Side effects of eating watermelon

Most of the time, watermelon can be eaten without any side effects, but watermelon should be avoided if a person:

• prone to migraines

Watermelon is high in tyramine, an amino acid that can trigger migraines.

• Allergies

If he is allergic to some types of pollen, including grass or ragweed, then watermelon may cause some symptoms of difficulty breathing and swelling of the body.


People with diabetes should reduce the amount of watermelon they eat due to its natural sugars.

• Suffers from digestive problems

Watermelon is also a high-FODMAP food, which means it contains sugars that can be difficult for some people with conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to digest, and symptoms may include bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

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