FPÖ – Kickl: Radical government caught with insane climate plans Liberal Parliament Club

2023-08-06 08:30:35

Minister Rauch openly professes radicalism in the “Great Reset” forum – Edtstadler and Gewessler assist in this

Vienna (OTS) Those who think that natural climate change on earth can be curbed or even stopped by means of coercion and bans, particularly once morest the citizens of Europe and Austria, are becoming more and more radical in their religious war. Thanks to attentive observers of a largely unnoticed event, a statement by Social and Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) has been circulating on social media for a few days, the brutality and explosive force of which can hardly be overestimated. The scene of the incredible derailment was the “Ban Ki-moon Center for Global Citizens” in Vienna, where on October 7, 2022 the “2. SDG Dialogue Forum Austria” was held with the aim of “focusing on the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.

The controversial excerpt from the panel discussion, which was led by Puls4 info chief Corinna Milborn, in addition to Rauch, his fellow ministers Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) and Leonore Gewessler (Greens), the Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal (ÖVP) and the Director General of the UNIDO and former German Development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) took part Facebook site and in Telegram channel by Herbert Kickl as well as in FPÖ-TV YouTube channel published. The main statements made by Rauch are as follows:

In fighting the pandemic, we managed to act radically worldwide, including here in Austria – with measures that were completely unimaginable. We have created special situations, including legal ones, because we have overridden things, made interventions in liberties, which were extremely far-reaching – and we have created the legal framework to do that. In other words, we reacted to this crisis with unbelievable radicalism […].

The question is how radical we dare to tackle the climate crisis. And that is such a difficult question because the threat situation is, so to speak, a slowly developing one and not immediately visible every day. Of course we had heat deaths in Europe this summer – more like COVID deaths, by the way, should also be mentioned. But the question will ultimately be – and I can’t answer it: How much radicalism, analogous to fighting a pandemic, do we really dare to do as politicians and as a society?

“Anyone who knows the Greens cannot be particularly surprised by these words, but they are incomprehensible in their openness,” reacted FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NAbg. Herbert Kickl. “Rauch says in no uncertain terms that the most serious encroachments on fundamental rights and freedoms – radical measures such as lockdowns, bans on going out and contact, operational bans and other massive interventions in the economy and ultimately constraints comparable to the obligation to vaccinate are also conceivable for him in so-called climate policy are. He doesn’t want to determine whether the same radicalism – he uses this word five times in the short excerpt, i.e. quite deliberately – is appropriate, but with the strange comparison between alleged heat deaths and alleged COVID deaths he clearly points the way.”

As the old saying goes, he who is silent agrees. However, Rauch’s government colleagues who were present not only remained silent, but even found words of support for the social and health minister’s insane plans. Climate Minister Gewessler tried to downplay what her party colleague had said by saying that the measures envisaged by Rauch were not “radical” at all, but simply “necessary” – but essentially she agreed with him. And Constitutional Minister Edtstadler emphasized – this time not with a view to Corona, but to the war in Ukraine – that events of this kind would always entitle politicians to restrict the rule of law and cut off legal remedies from citizens if, in her opinion, this is a “higher goal”. “ serve.

“When you look at this discussion, it becomes clear that we are dealing with politicians who no longer have the values ​​of democracy and the rule of law in their intellectual repertoire,” says Kickl. This is symbolized by the fact that all participants – almost like members of a sect – wore the 17-colored circular logo of “Agenda 2030” on their lapels.

The description of the event video by the organizers also shows that Rauch’s statements were not to be interpreted as a “slip” but rather corresponded to the spirit of the “Agenda 2030”, which many perceived as a “Great Reset”. Here it says – in exactly the same parallelism that Rauch made between Corona and climate:

Especially in the light of major global challenges such as the Ukraine crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic or climate change, the extensive and interconnected goals of the 2030 Agenda are becoming increasingly important, as is the shared responsibility for achieving them.

“The appropriate answer to this madness is the even stronger emphasis on sovereignty, as we Liberals demand under the catchphrase ‘fortress constitution’. We must protect our Austria from such supranational and globalist madness by amending Article 1 of the Federal Constitution. For this it is necessary to end the access of globalist and anti-Austrian politicians to our beautiful home country through elections. In any case, that applies to the completely fanatical and radical Greens in every respect, but probably also to the ÖVP, which is often just as abnormal because it thinks totalitarian,” said Kickl, with a view to the important democratic decisions in the coming year.

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