FPÖ – Kickl/Linder: Big thanks to all the emergency services and volunteers in the storm operation! | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-08-06 10:51:10

Politicians are required to quickly implement improvements for emergency organizations and their volunteers – FPÖ is preparing legislative initiatives

Vienna (OTS) “Tireless and selfless help in great need is the hallmark of countless volunteers and honorary employees in blue light organizations such as the volunteer fire brigades or rescue organizations. You all deserve the greatest thanks and respect for your self-sacrificing efforts during the catastrophic storms that have been going on for days in many areas of Austria, especially Carinthia and Styria,” said FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NAbg today. Herbert Kickl and the liberal volunteer spokesman NAbg. Maximilian Linder. At the same time, they expressed their sympathy for those affected, combined with the hope that the situation would calm down soon.

“Once once more, we all realize how much depends on volunteering in Austria, to which almost half of the population is committed in one form or another. For politicians, this means there is an obligation to give these people and the organizations in which they are involved full support,” said Kickl. To this end, the FPÖ chairman suggested favoring active volunteers in fire brigades and rescue services when assessing income tax. “In this way, the state has the opportunity to send a financial thank you. In addition, you create incentives for young people to get involved in the future,” says Kickl.

Volunteer spokesman Linder drew attention to the continuing gaps in insurance coverage, for example in the area of ​​legal protection. “It is unacceptable for volunteers to have to answer to a court for their work at their own risk and expense, as happened to a fireman in Carinthia, for example, who followed the trace of an oil spill on private property and brought an action for trespassing was overdone,” criticized Linder. The regulation of compensation for the employer in the case of longer-term assignments is also still incomplete. “Even if there is now a legal basis for this, unfortunately this does not include all types of assignments that can extend over several days, so that many volunteers still have to take vacation,” says Linder.

There is also a need for action with regard to the financial support of the organisations. Not only is there a considerable need for investment for many, which can only be covered by public subsidies, but the general rise in prices is also causing problems for the emergency services. “Therefore, funding for voluntary organizations should be adjusted to the rising costs at all political levels without delay,” demanded Kickl and Linder. The FPÖ also proposes a simplification of the fundamentally possible but extremely complicated VAT refund when buying vehicles and equipment: “Instead of the difficult and long way through subsidies, a simpler and faster solution should be found, possibly directly through the tax office. Exorbitant sums have to be paid for vehicles and equipment, especially for fire brigades, and the bureaucracy-free reimbursement would be an immediate help,” emphasized Linder.

The Liberals announced legislative initiatives in the National Council in the areas mentioned. “We will show in detail where there is urgent potential for improvement for the organizations and their volunteers, and invite the other factions to implement these improvements together with us,” affirmed Kickl and Linder.

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