Look at everything you have to take into account before going to vote in Río Negro

2023-08-06 03:39:14

This year, the country takes place numerous votes. Among the most important and before the 2023 general elections, are the PASO elections on Sunday, August 13. President and vice president will be elected throughout Argentina, but each province must also vote for representatives in Parlasur, in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senators. Río Negro elects three deputies, as well as a parliamentarian for Mercosur.

When are STEP 2023

Las Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory elections (PASO) 2023, are prior to general and legislative elections in each province. In addition, if necessary, a ballot or second round to decide the next president.

Las PASO for the presidential elections in Argentina, the sunday august 13.

As its name says, they are simultaneous, that is, all the elections between candidates from the same political space will take place on the same day, in Neuquén, Río Negro and all the provinces of the country.

What is chosen in the PASO 2023

in the STEP positions are not elected, but the candidates who will represent each space politician for those positions. In other words, in the PASO you vote between pre-candidates.

These pre-candidates must obtain more votes than those who intend to run for the same position within their political space. Those who have the most votes will be the candidates chosen to run in the general elections. to dispute the position that other parties also claim.

But the pre-candidates not only face each other within the same political space, but said strength must overcome the famous “floor” to participate in the general elections.

To overcome the instance of the STEP and be able to participate in the general ones, the law sets a floor of 1.5% of the votes validly cast in the district in question for the respective category. For that, the sum of all internal lists will be considered., in case more than one has been presented. Minority forces denounce this requirement as “proscriptive”.

In these STEP of Sunday, August 13, the candidates of each political space will be defined to representatives and parliamentarians of Mercosur, in the case of Río Negro and Neuquén. Candidates for senators will also be elected in other provinces. Then, in the general elections on October 22, three deputies from Río Negro, two from Neuquén and one parliamentarian for each will be elected.

Where I vote: check the register and write down the order number to expedite voting

The National Electoral Chamber (CNE) published the definitive standard so that citizens can see in which establishment and table they should vote on Sunday, August 13 in the elections Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (PASO).

Who are the candidates for president in PASO 2023

Union for the Fatherland

Celeste and White List: Sergio Massa – Agustín Rossi

Fair and Sovereign List: Juan Grabois – Paula Abal Medina

Together for Change

List The Change of Our Lives: Horacio Rodríguez Larreta – Gerardo Morales

The Force of Change List: Patricia Bullrich – Luis Petri

Freedom Advances

Freedom Forever List: Javier Milei – Victoria Villarruel

We do for our country

We Do List: Juan Schiaretti – Florencio Randazzo

Left Front and Workers-Unit (FIT-U)

Unite and Strengthen the Left List: Myriam Bregman – Nicolás del Caño (PTS)

List of Fighters Unit and the left: Gabriel Solano (PO) – Vilma Ripoll (MST)

new MORE

Anticapitalist Izquierda List: Manuela Castañeira – Lucas Ruiz

Labor Policy

Workers Unity List – Marcelo Ramal – Patricia Urones

Free South

Blue and Red List: Jesús Escobar – Marianella Lezama Hid

-Front Principles and Values

Land, Roof and Work List: Guillermo Moreno – Leonardo Fabre

Federal Patriotic Front

United Patria List: César Biondini – Mariel Avendaño

Liber.ar Front

Demo List: Nazareno Etchepare – Fernando Lorenzo

Reconquista List: Ramiro Vasena – Víctor Lagonegro

Left Movement Youth Dignity

Dignity List: Raúl Castells – Adriana Reinoso

Confederal List: Santiago Cúneo – Gustavo Barranco

Youth Project

Peace, Democracy and Sovereignty List: Mempo Giardinelli – Bárbara Salernou

United Homeland List: Martín Ayerbe Ortiz – Hugo Rodriguez

Todex List: Queen Xiomara Ibañez – Gonzalo Rodrigo Ibarra

Democratic Center Union

Argentina Liberal Opening List: Andrés Passamonti – Pamela Margaride Fernández

Neighborhood Action Movement National Order

Neighborhood Commitment List: Humberto Albarracín – Dario Pastore

STEP 2023: who are the candidates for deputies in Río Negro

Union for the Fatherland

Deputies: Martin Soria, Graciela Landriscini and Marcelo Mango

Parlasur: Alejandra More

Together for Change – List A

Deputies: Roberto Brusa, Adriana Fenouil and José Acosta.

Parlasur: Pamela Najul.

Together for Change – List B

Deputies: Sergio Capozzi, Genoveva Molinari and Jorge Padín

Parlasur: Miguel Martinez

Left Front and Workers Unity – List 1 A

Deputies: Norma Dardik, Jeremías Zalazar and Margarita Díaz

Parlasur: Damian Lazota

Left Front and Workers Unity – List 1 B

Deputies: Alhue Gavuzzo, Fabián Torres and Paula Gramajo

Parlasur: Armando Aliaga

Together we are Rio Negro

Deputies: Luis Di Giacomo, Julia Fernández and Mariano Lavín

Parlasur: Marcelo Szczygol

Freedom Advances with Faith

Deputies: Lorena Villaverde, Miguel Muñoz and Natalia Chemor

Parlasur: Jose Valla

movement to socialism

Deputies: Aurelio Vazquez, Dora Rivera and Melissa Nagahama

Parlasur: Achilles Añazco Nieto

STEP 2023: Are they mandatory? What happens if I don’t vote and how can I justify it?

When these dates approach, voters usually consult what happens if i don’t vote the day of the elections.

Notably Voting in Argentina is considered a right but also an obligation. In case of non-compliance there may be fines and penalties.

if you are over 18 and under 70and you cannot justify before the National Electoral Justice because you did not cast your vote, you are entitled to a Financial fine and you will be included in the Registry of Violators to the duty to vote, reported the General Secretariat of the Nation.

Besides, You cannot be appointed to perform public functions or jobs for three years from the election. Whoever does not pay the fine will not be able to carry out procedures or procedures before the national, provincial and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires state agencies for a year, Nación recalled on its website.

you will be excepted from voting in the 2023 elections if:

– On the day of the elections you meet more than 500 kilometers away of the place where you have to vote and jusreport to the nearest police authority that this situation is due to reasonable reasons.

– Are you sick or unable to attend the voting establishment by reasons of force majeure enough verified and justified before doctors of the national health service.

– You are part of a public service organization or company and therefore reasons related to the fulfillment of functions you are prevented from attending to vote.

-You are a judge or assistant and by provision of the National Electoral Code you have to attend your office and keep it open during the elections.

What document do I need to vote in the next PASO elections and in the general ones?

As reported by the Ministry of the Interior on its website, voting is done with the civic document that appears in the padrón electoral, or with a later version of the same.

“If you go to vote with a document prior to the one that appears in the register, you will not be able to vote. The DNI on the cell phone is not valid to vote, “recalled the Ministry.

In that sense the valid documents to vote are:

– DAYS green notebook and light blue notebook
– DAYS card (even the one that says “not valid to vote”)
– Notebook enrollment
– Notebook civic

On the other hand, the Ministry of the Interior reported that You cannot go to vote with a DNI certificate in process. “It is not considered evidence of identity no proof of document in process “, they remarked.

From what age can you vote and when the vote is optional

No all citizens are obliged to vote, either because of their age or for work or health reasons. Furthermore, citizens who Yes, they must vote, they can be exempted from doing so when some of the grounds provided by law are fulfilled..

In our country Voting is mandatory for everyone over 18 and under 70. who have 70 years of age can vote, although they are not required to do so. If you want, you can vote. but if they do not vote the law does not sanction them.

Since little more than a decade young people between 16 and 17 years old can also votealthough like those over 70, They are not required to do so either..

STEP 2023: the difference between the blank, null, challenged and appealed vote

Any envelope inside the ballot box is considered a blank vote. that is empty or that contains a paper of any color, without inscriptions or images. Also falling into this category are those envelopes that have an official ballot inside, but which lack the body corresponding to a category. Then, will be taken as a “blank vote” only for that category.

When a vote is considered null, this is not counted in the computation. The following votes fall into this category:

– Unofficial ballotas may be the case of those from previous elections and/or from other districts.
– official tickets different groups for the same position.
– official tickets different lists of the same political group for the same category of charges.
– Official slips that, for partial destruction, defect or deletionsdo not contain, at least, the name of the party and the category of positions to choose.
– Official ballots that contain inscriptions and/or legends of any kindexcept in cases of erasures, additions or substitutions.
– Strange objects that are in the envelope next to the ballot.

A contested vote, meanwhile, occurs when any polling station or prosecutor authority questions the voter’s identity who casts the vote. This can happen on those occasions when it is doubtful that the voter is actually the holder of the document civic that presents, or even when a voter identified in the register appears, with a greyed out, as “absent due to forced disappearance”.

In this case, the envelopes in question should not be opened or scrutinized on the table, but they will be sent closed to the National Electoral Justice so that this entity decides on their validity or nullity.

The appealed vote occurs when A prosecutor questions the validity of a vote. In this case, the prosecutor You must justify your request and leave a record of your identity when making the claim. This, as with the contested vote, will remain in the hands of the Electoral Courtwhich you will need to define if it is valid or null.

#account #vote #Río #Negro



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