Good news, it is possible to disable the Baldur’s Gate 3 launcher

2023-08-06 01:30:50

With already more than 600,000 players simultaneous releases on Steam and overwhelmingly positive reviews, the highly anticipated Baldur’s Gate 3 is clearly up to the hype. Several corrective patches have already been applied in the past two days, ensuring players have the best possible experience.

Small black dot on the board, that says: the launcher of the game. Larian has indeed imitated other studios and publishers by inserting, when launching the game, a small window not really useful ; Of course, you can choose between DirectX 11 or Vulkanbut it’s something that might have been integrated directly into the game settings.

To skip this step directly, right-click on the game in your Steam library (works more or less the same for GOG) to access the game settings. In those dedicated to the launch, simply type –skip-launcher you can directly access Baldur’s Gate 3without any unnecessary steps!

#Good #news #disable #Baldurs #Gate #launcher



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