2016-12-15 13:08:34
The installation of smart meters, allowing the remote reading of electricity, gas and water consumption indices, and their daily transmission to energy suppliers, in particular with the aim of controlling energy by consumers, raise concerns among part of the population: possible additional cost generated for subscribers, respect for privacy, use of personal data. Consumers are also concerned regarding possible health risks related to exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by these various meters.
In this context, the Directorate General for Health (DGS) asked ANSES to conduct an expert appraisal relating to the assessment of the exposure of the population to electromagnetic fields emitted by smart meters and the associated potential health effects.
Exposure to smart meters
“Linky” electricity meters communicate by wire, via the electricity distribution network, using carrier current technology (PLC) with relay points for consumption information. “Gazpar” gas meters and water meters communicate with these relay points by wireless radio link.
The data available to date lead the Agency to conclude that there is a low probability that exposure to the electromagnetic fields emitted by the radio smart meters (gas and water) and the others (electricity), in the current deployment configuration, will cause short or long term health effects.
Indeed, the Agency has listed the data from measurement campaigns carried out to characterize the exposure linked to smart meters. In the case of the Linky electricity meter, the levels of exposure to the electromagnetic field produced by the meter itself, but also by the PLC communication which runs through the electrical cables, are much lower than the regulatory exposure limit values. Linky meters, whether in an electric or magnetic field, are the source of exposure comparable to that of other electrical equipment that has already been used in homes for many years (television, laptop charger, induction cooking).
Exposure near a gas or water meter is very low, given the low transmission power and the reduced number of communications (less than one second 2 to 6 times per day). Exposure due to meters is, for example, much lower than that due to a GSM mobile phone.
Furthermore, Linky-type meters produce signals on the domestic network which may be equivalent to those of the interference created in particular by the start-up of domestic appliances (transient high-frequency currents). Currently, there are no data suggesting that high frequency transient currents can affect health at measured exposure levels.
A measurement campaign requested by ANSES from the Scientific and Technical Building Center (CSTB), the results of which are expected soon, will make it possible to specify the exposure (first low given the operating mode) due to the Linky meter in a real situation (temporality, level of exposure, etc.). These measurements should in particular allow a comparison between the exposure to the old electromechanical meters and that due to the new Linky meters at home.
With the aim of improving information on the environment for users, the Agency urges the operators involved in the deployment of these new technologies to provide users with clear and easily understandable information on their current and future operating methods, including in particular the frequency and duration of exposure to electromagnetic fields to which these technologies may lead.
Finally, it should be noted that the deployment of smart meters occurs at a time when connected objects are multiplying for various applications, the communication infrastructures (relay antennas in particular) being already essentially in place. It is possible that these developments will concern in the coming years the digitization of services and infrastructures at the level of individuals, homes and cities, in the fields of energy, transport and health in particular (intelligent networks , smart cities, etc.).
The question of people’s exposure to electromagnetic fields should then be anticipated and systematized in this evolving environment. The agency also recommends that the development of connected objects be accompanied by the definition of methods and tools (technical standards) suitable for characterizing the exposure of people.
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