Technology: Looking for female role models |

2023-08-05 22:00:00

“Girls! Tech Up Role Model” award: women in tech into the spotlight. The Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering (OVE) is presenting its award for the third time.

Up to 13,800 specialists are currently missing in the technology sector, and every fourth position remains vacant. The female gender is generally rarely seen here. “Technical jobs offer women great career opportunities. With the ‘Girls! Tech Up Role Model’ award, we are putting successful female technicians in the spotlight and showing girls who are regarding to choose a career that these jobs are creative, varied and, above all, open to everyone. who want to help shape our future,” says Michaela Leonhardt, OVE-Fem Chairwoman.

Girls! Tech Up Role Model Award: Women in electrical engineering and IT inspire as role models for the professionals of tomorrow

Whether HTL pupil, student, female apprentice or already an expert – women in electrical engineering, information technology and the energy industry have an important role model effect. Because female specialists are in demand like never before. Not only female technicians who are already working can take part in the current edition of the “Girls! Tech Up Role Model” award, but also female students who have decided on a technical apprenticeship. The aim is for the applicants to convey their enthusiasm for the technology and their joy in their training or their profession in short videos they have made themselves. And with that – in line with the message “You can do technology too!” – Inspire potential young professionals.

“Jobs in electrical engineering, information technology and the energy industry are full of exciting opportunities. Who better to communicate this than women who are already successful in the industry?” says Peter Reichel, OVE Secretary General. “I’m looking forward to numerous inspiring role models for the female specialists of the future once more this year.”

“Role Model” award via online voting and jury evaluation

The winner of the “Girls! Tech Up Role Model” award 2023 will be determined by online voting in combination with a jury evaluation. Two “Role Models” have already been chosen in recent years: in 2021 the award went to Raphaela Bortoli, technical trainer at Siemens Austria, and last year Nina Greilberger, an electrical engineering apprentice at Kärnten Netz, won the race.

The Role Model award is part of OVE’s Girls! Tech Up initiative. This also includes an adventure day for girls, which will be held in Vienna on October 13 (following this year’s premiere in Graz). Schoolgirls have the opportunity to find out regarding technical careers in the House of Engineers and to be inspired by female role models. The submission deadline for the Girls! Tech Up Role Model award is September 27, 2023.

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