FPÖ-Krauss: Stop indirect subsidies to radical left-wing violent criminals

2023-08-05 11:10:24

City of Vienna sponsors Antifa lecture with tax money

Vienna (OTS) The fact that the City of Vienna is supporting the venue of the “Slovene Student Club” in which a lecture by the left-wing extremist “Antifa” will take place next Wednesday is a real scandal for the FPÖ-Vienna club boss Maximilian Krauss. “Each euro of tax money, even indirect, to these left-wing extremists and criminals is unacceptable,” Krauss states, noting that in 2020 the “Culture Report” of MA7, for example, sponsored the “KSŠŠD” in the amount of 1,000 euros for the series of events “Anti-Fascist Winter” and in the years 2021 and 2022 1000 euros were transferred for “street festivals”.
Finally, Krauss states that such subsidies may no longer take place in the future and announces a clear commitment in this regard in the municipal council. “On the one hand, we will apply for the funding to be stopped and, on the other hand, for the city to clearly distance itself from left-wing radicalism.”

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