Returnable stainless steel trays arrive in supermarkets

2023-08-05 12:00:52

The new trend: stainless steel trays

Posters at the Super U in Carquefou call out: “Fill your pockets, not your bins!” “. Here, the infamous disposable plastic trays have given way to an innovation: returnable stainless steel containers. Indeed, for two years, this hypermarket has been in the test phase with a more ecological alternative. Proposal : consumers can buy their fresh products in these trays, then bring them back once empty. For the moment, around thirty supermarkets are trying the experiment.

This is not an isolated gesture. While the reuse of glass bottles is on the way to becoming a trend once more in France and in the face of an increasingly strict legislative framework on packaging, stainless steel is a relevant response. This is a bold initiative, especially in a context where changing consumer habits is not easy, especially with the current inflation.

Berny: the company behind this innovation

The innovation of stainless steel trays comes from Berny, a Nantes start-up. According to the management, the large distribution drains each year 21 billion single-use trays produced each year. Plastic and polystyrene, ubiquitous in our supermarkets, have disastrous consequences on the planet. Berny’s mission is clear: offer a sustainable solution to supermarkets and industrialists who wish to abandon these non-ecological materials.

The start-up’s approach is global. In addition to the supply of trays, it also manages their logistics, from collection to washing, including transport. Proof that change is on the way, and that supermarkets might soon have a whole new face.

#Returnable #stainless #steel #trays #arrive #supermarkets



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