2023-08-04 16:09:32
The Minas Gerais Fire Department banned fifteen companies in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (MG) in 2022. Of the ventures that were banned, 11 received partial bans and four received total bans due to the lack of security measures, according to data from firefighters published by the newspaper The time.
Over the last year, 1,742 application inspections were carried out in the capital of Minas Gerais. Of these, 409, around 23% were in regularized properties. Among the irregular places, 1,111 were warned in writing (63.7%) and 193 (11%) received a fine.
Still according to the survey, 4,272 release visits were carried out in the city in order to supervise the measures presented and provide the AVCB (Auto de Inspecção do Corpo de Fogo) – totaling 6 thousand inspections.
In this scenario, João Luiz, owner of Sansei Válvulas – a business specializing in products for industrial maintenance – points out that a good hydraulic system is essential for fighting fires in companies and industries.
“The hydraulic protection system must be dimensioned for a minimum flow of 80 to 100 liters per minute”, he informs. “The installation must be carried out on all floors, in easily accessible places and close to the exits, so that they are not blocked by fire, and cannot be located in the stairwells”, he completes.
Luiz observes that the equipment and devices used to fight a fire that has already started are usually visible: “This type of equipment is used in the most different types of buildings, regardless of size or maximum capacity”.
According to the businessman, some examples of equipment to fight fires in progress that should be part of companies and industries are: fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, automatic showers – sprinklers, alarms, signaling, emergency lighting and smoke movement control.
“Prepare a fire brigade to allocate people trained to handle equipment and to act in preventing, abandoning and fighting the beginning of a fire”, recommends Luiz. “Keep the fire fighting system in order, as prevention is an absolute necessity”, he adds.
prevention is essential
The first quarter of 2023 was marked by a jump in news of structural fires – which involve structural components of various types of residential, commercial or industrial buildings – across the country, according to a survey by the Sprinkler Brazil Institute.
According to the balance sheet, 588 occurrences of structural fires were registered between the months of January and March of this year – an increase of 12.6% in relation to the same period of the previous year, when the institute registered 514 notifications. Still according to analysisit is possible to observe a progressive increase compared to January 2021 and 2020, when 561 and 281 reports were captured, respectively.
The owner of Sansei Válvulas draws attention to the fact that a series of elements can cause fires in industries, which is why companies must redouble their attention.
“The key to effective fire safety in the workplace is being able to recognize and eliminate potential fire hazards before they become an issue,” he says. “When you and your team know what to look out for, the team can work together to keep the workplace safe,” he adds.
Luiz lists the main precautions to prevent fires in the following topics:
Report any electrical hazards. Faulty or poor wiring poses a fire hazard. If employees see any type of electrical hazard in the workplace, it is important to report it immediately. Do not overload outlets and circuits. The ideal is to only connect electronic devices that are being used and make sure to use sockets that are not overloaded. Connecting too many items on a circuit can cause overloading, which also increases the risk of fire. Do not use damaged electrical plugs or cables. When finding a socket or electrical cable in these conditions, it is important to discontinue use and inform management. Frayed cables and exposed wires can be fatal. Ensure proper storage of flammable materials. If the company handles flammable materials, they must be stored in a specific cabinet. Certain chemicals cannot be stored together or may ignite. Keep combustibles away from electrical equipment. Stacked trash and recycling are combustible fire hazards. Keep trash, recycling, and any other combustibles, such as piles of paper, away from electrical equipment that might cause a fire. Develop a fire safety plan. Take time to train all employees on safety guidelines and practice an evacuation plan following established guidelines.
To conclude, the entrepreneur also points out that a fire safety procedure may include:
Assign and assign the necessary roles for the fire evacuation plan. Schedule recurring fire evacuation drills in accordance with local and industry fire prevention requirements. Establish a call place for employees.
“Implementing these fire safety tips in the workplace through education, observation and inspection can help reduce the potential for an incident,” concludes Luis.
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