Tomato, apricot, melon… Consumption of summer fruits and vegetables down due to bad weather

2023-08-04 12:02:47

Sales of apricots, tomatoes and melons, traditionally consumed in the summer period, are collapsing due to bad weather, according to the representative of fresh fruit and vegetable producers. “What we see is that there are stocks accumulating with declared crisis situations,” Laurent Grandin, president of Interfel, the interprofession of fruits and vegetables, told AFP on Friday. fresh vegetables. “We see that there is under-consumption” because prices are falling sharply, a sign of sluggish demand, he added, without being able to give precise figures.

Apricots, tomatoes, melons and plums: all are placed in a situation of economic crisis by the National Establishment of Agricultural and Seafood Products (FranceAgriMer), which points to price reductions ranging from -20 to -29% per compared to last year. The cucumber (-19%) is also affected, but not yet declared in a crisis situation.

A “very occasional” consumption

Some products find other outlets because they can be processed. “It’s true of the apricot, it’s also true of the plum”, explained Laurent Grandin. “But you have products that it is not possible to direct towards industry, melon in particular, or even tomatoes”, according to him. The way of cultivating “mouth tomatoes is not the same as for those intended for processing, they are neither the same varieties nor the same ways of harvesting them”, he further said.

Françoise Roch, president of the FNPF, National Federation of Fruit Producers, reminds AFP that the consumption of these summer fruits and vegetables “is very punctual”, with “very significant” consequences for the sector in the event of poor sales, even “for a week of loss of consumption”.

#Tomato #apricot #melon.. #Consumption #summer #fruits #vegetables #due #bad #weather



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