Sleeping in on the weekend: good or bad for your health?

2023-08-02 20:38:24

On weekends, we take the opportunity to rest and sleep in, but this habit might be bad for your health, according to a new study.

According to a study of 1,000 adults by researchers at King’s College London, England, “social jet lag” – a disturbance in the body’s internal clock caused by an irregular sleep schedule – negatively affects health, reported the New York Post.

The study, which was published on Wednesday in the “European Journal of Nutrition”, notably revealed that even a delay of only 90 minutes might have an impact on the composition of the intestinal microbiome.

“This is the first study to show that even small differences in sleep schedules over the week appear to be related to differences in gut bacterial species,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Wendy Hall, in a statement.

Researchers have found links between an irregular sleep schedule and various health problems, including obesity, inflammation and cardiovascular problems.

“Sleep is a key pillar of health and this research is particularly timely given the growing interest in circadian rhythms and the gut microbiome,” Kate Bermingham, senior nutrition scientist, told the company. Zoe Health Sciences.

Note that in the past, studies have suggested that too much or too little sleep can have negative impacts on health.

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