Management question(s) – Number 2023/4 – n° 45 – Question(s) of uncertainty

2023-07-25 22:00:00
Page 15 to 17: Jean-Marie Peretti – Editorial | Page 19 to 35: Amr Mir and Mohammed Amine Balambo – Outsourcing, innovation and governance of the shipper-logistics service provider relationship | Page 37 to 52: Amina Benraïss, Ridouane Messaoudi and Zineb Sanade – The company’s employer brand and its impact on the intention to apply: the moderating effect of familiarity – case of students from top business schools in Morocco | Page 53 to 65: Huiyi Gao and Patricia David – VUCA Strategic Risk Management on the New Silk Road – China Communications Construction Company Case Study | Page 67 to 76: Jean-Yves Hamiot and Mohamed Firas Thraya – The ontological obstacle that separates exploitation and exploration | Page 77 to 92: Monique Tchuente, Jean Robert Kala Kamdjoug, Jean Douanla and Jean-Paul Tchankam – The influence of Information and Communication Technologies on Small and Medium Enterprises in Cameroon: the case of semi-wholesalers | Page 93 to 106: Catherine Viot, Agnès Lancini, Caroline Bayart and Charlotte Lécuyer – Introducing gadget love and subjective knowledge into the theory of planned behavior to understand intention to adopt smart-connected products | Page 107 to 109: Jessica Lichy – Managing uncertainty in business post-Brexit/post-Covid | Page 111 to 122: Solène Cholat and Mohamed Firas Thraya – Socially Responsible Investment in France: lessons from the health crisis | Page 123 to 135: Valentina Coscia, Florence Gervais and Alain Mérot – Unlocking intercultural success with emotional intelligence and cross-cultural skills | Pages 137 to 149: Auxane Gasnot, David M. Brown and Juila J. Nobari – How has Covid-19 impacted virtual multicultural team management? | Pages 151 to 167: David Gordon, Peter Stokes and Martin Beckinsale – Managing post-Brexit/post-Covid extremes in SME businesses – A novel role for curriculum co-creation between SMEs and business schools | Page 169 to 179: Mohamed Khenissi and Vanessa Serret – How do independent directors perceive socially responsible practices after the Covid-19 health crisis? Case of companies listed on the SBF 120 | Pages 181 to 195: Jessica Lichy and Derek Watson – Managing uncertainty in food supply chains – The case of British food manufacturing | Page 197 to 199: Soufyane Frimousse and Jean-Marie Peretti – Organizational trust and uncertainty | Page 200 to 254: “How to reassure and strengthen the organizational confidence of employees in a context of uncertainty? » | Page 255 to 260: Jessica Lichy – Some recent theses on uncertainty in business.
#Management #questions #Number #Questions #uncertainty

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