Boost Your Gut Health with These Top 8 Fermented Foods

2023-08-04 16:22:35

We know that a healthy gut has a positive effect on our body. What can help with this are fermented foods. We’ll tell you what fermentation actually is, why fermented foods ensure a healthy intestinal flora and what makes them so healthy. Find our top 8 fermented foods here.

Fermentation – what is that actually?

Long shelf life, variety of flavors and healthy nutrients – you get all this by fermenting food. The word ferment comes from the Latin (fermentum) and means “Fermentation”. It’s a tried and true method of preserving food for a long time. Even our ancestors made use of it. Fermentation has been forgotten over the years, but it’s making a real comeback. Friendly colonize during fermentation microorganisms like fungi and bacteria, eat food and convert the sugar it contains into acid or alcohol.

A distinction is made between “wild fermentation” and fermentation with a starter culture. The first variant contains the ones needed for the fermentation process bacteria already on the food. An example of “wild fermentation” is the production of sauerkraut. When fermenting with a starter culture special bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms are added to the food. Examples include kefir and kombucha.

Also interesting: Healthy intestinal flora with these home remedies

How Healthy Are Fermented Foods Really?

Fermented foods not only have a longer shelf life, they are also easier to digest. During the fermentation process, the bacteria build the Zucker in the food and “pre-digest” it, so to speak. This takes the first step off our digestive tract and makes the food more digestible and lowers its Calorie content.

Fermenting also makes food healthier. More are created during the fermentation process Vitamins such as vitamin C, K2 and B vitamins as well as valuable enzymes. The lactic acid bacteria in fermented foods also support a healthy intestinal flora and thus our digestion and immune system. Because around 70 percent of our defense cells are located in the intestinal wall and most of the defense reactions take place there. The gut-friendly bacteria prevent the spread of pathogenic germs that cause infections. A healthy intestinal flora therefore protects us from various diseases.

Our Top 8 – Fermented Vegetables, Food & Co.

Kombucha, a fizzy soft drink, is made by fermenting it with the help of a tea fungus. This gelatinous mass is called Scoby (“symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast”).© p-fotography –

Kombucha – the fermented tea

Kombucha is made using the so-called tea or kombucha fungus, also known as SCOBY. SCOBY stands for “symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast” and means symbiotic Bacterial and yeast culture, because the fungus contains many different yeasts and bacteria. These turn sugared tea into a carbonated drink. The fermentation of sugars into alcohol, lactic and acetic acid, and gluconic acid gives kombucha a sour taste. The drink contains between 0.7 and 1.3 percent alcohol.

In Asian folk medicine, kombucha is considered remedy for many diseases. However, its “healing effect” has not been scientifically proven. As a soft drink, however, kombucha is safe for adults. You can find it in health food stores, health food stores, and supermarkets.

Fermented yogurt

Yoghurt is produced from milk through a fermentation process and therefore contains the gut-friendly lactic acid bacteria. The specific types and amount of bacteria vary by yogurt. Other strains of bacteria are often added later. Yoghurt also contains protein, which is important for our muscles, and calcium, which supports healthy bones and teeth.

Did you know that yogurt is also a popular diet food? Find all information regarding the yogurt diet here.

Tempeh – fermented soybeans

Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans. The delicacy has been produced in Indonesia for thousands of years and is still a staple there today. Tempeh has a pleasantly mild, nutty-mushroomy flavor and is a good one vegan source of protein. The fermented product also contains many minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc as well as so-called Isoflavone (plant estrogens). These are said to relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Tempeh is still largely unknown in Germany, so you will rarely find it in supermarkets. It is best to ask for it in an organic or Asian market and if it is not available there, you can also order it online.

Fermented sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a classic in German cuisine. In addition to the good lactic acid bacteria and B vitamins, it also has a high content of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and fiber. Therefore it is considered ancient superfood. In the 18th century, sauerkraut provided sailors on long voyages with vitamin C and protected them from scurvy, a deadly vitamin C deficiency disease. When buying the power herb, make sure that it is not pasteurized, as the beneficial lactic acid bacteria are killed when heated. Or make your own sauerkraut.

Kefir fermented

Kefir is a Sour milk drink, which is produced by fermenting milk with kefir mushrooms. The kefir fungus, also called kefir grain, is a mixture of yeast fungi and bacteria that convert lactose into lactic acid, alcohol and carbonic acid. The refreshing drink originally comes from the Caucasus and tastes slightly sour, similar to buttermilk. Like other fermented foods, kefir contains important nutrients vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, iron and iodine. In addition, the fermented milk drink is low in fat and has few calories. He has a small amount of alcohol (up to 2 percent).

Kimchi – fermented Chinese cabbage

Kimchi is a Korean national dish. It usually consists of Chinakohl or Korean radish and other vegetables that are fermented with the help of lactic acid bacteria, similar to sauerkraut. It is also seasoned with salt, chilli, ginger and garlic and is therefore spicy. But there are many different kimchi variants. The fermented vegetables are one of the richest in vitamins and minerals healthiest foods in the world.

Sourdough – the fermented bread

Unlike traditional bread dough, to which only yeast is added, sourdough also contains yeast lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, the production of fermented bread also takes longer. Sourdough not only tastes great, it is also rich in fiber and easily digestible. It is also suitable for pastries, cakes, pancakes and as a pizza dough. You can easily bake sourdough at home. All you need is flour and water.

Fermented apple cider vinegar

To make apple cider vinegar, apple juice is fermented with sugar and yeast. First, apple cider or cider is made from it. The acetic acid bacteria then ferment the alcohol into acetic acid. Meanwhile, streaks form in the liquid. This is the so-called mother of vinegar, a culture of acetic acid bacteria. To reap the health benefits of these gut-friendly bacteria, be sure to purchase naturally cloudy, organic apple cider vinegar with mother vinegar. Many health-promoting properties are attributed to apple cider vinegar. Among other things, it boosts digestion, lowers blood sugar levels and supports fat breakdown. Due to its antibacterial and antifungal effect, it is a popular home remedy once morest many diseases such as nail fungus, canker sores and cystitis.

In the clip: How to prepare instant kimchi from sauerkraut

10 positive properties of fermented foods

As you can see, fermentation has many advantages. Because fermented foods:

support a healthy intestinal flora.are rich in vitamins and minerals.contain a lot of roughage.stimulate digestion.are easily digestible.strengthen the immune system.and thus reduce inflammation and many diseases.have a long shelf life.and that without preservatives.taste good.

What are examples of fermented foods?

Examples of fermented foods include kombucha, yogurt, kefir, tempeh, sauerkraut, kimchi, apple cider vinegar, and sourdough. But wine and beer are also produced by fermentation.

What do fermented foods do in the gut?

Fermented foods are very healthy because of the lactic acid bacteria they contain. They ensure a variety of intestinal flora and are also easily digestible.

Which foods promote good gut bacteria?

Fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain gut-friendly bacteria and promote healthy gut flora when eaten regularly.

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