They confirm official support for the pilgrimage to Chimpay

2023-08-04 15:51:09

The last weekend of this month will be held the fifty-third edition of the Pilgrimage to Ceferino Namuncurá in Chimpay and the Río Negro government pledged its support to guarantee different services in one of the most popular religious events in the country.

To analyze the organization of this event and review the works that are carried out in the town Governor Arabela Carreras and Mayor Hug met in Viedmathe Funes.

With great expectation, the arrival of thousands of faithful to Chimpay is expected during the week of faith scheduled between August 25 and 27 and, as in previous years, the organization will be a coordinated effort between the Province and the Municipality.

“We had a very positive meeting. We are close to the Ceferiniana Festival, which is not only important in our town and in the province, but also in the country. Since Ceferino has been blessed, visitors have come to the monument every day, so we have to have the best care.” Funes said following the meeting.

According to the mayor, the provincial government will guarantee health and safety services, in addition to meeting organizational expenses, such as those referring to the placement of chemical toilets and the sound system, since the mass will be outdoors.

As for works planned for Chimpay, the community chief indicated that “we are going to move forward with some works, such as the electrification in the Avicena and Landriscina neighborhoods, the paving of the Santa Gregoria neighborhood and a plan for 13 homes, So we have high expectations.”

#confirm #official #support #pilgrimage #Chimpay



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