Assistance for Residents Affected by Building Explosion – Updates, Documents Restoration, and Hotline Contacts

2023-08-04 15:11:15

Now employees from different departments are working in the courtyard of the five-story building – they pulled everyone up, up to the management.

Even employees of the migration department and the State traffic inspectorate went to the place. They communicate with people whose apartments were damaged during the explosion. They find out everything regarding the availability of documents in order to assist in the restoration of papers if necessary.

Also, police and city hall employees are asking city residents whose relatives and friends live at Kalandarashvili 19 to contact the hotlines: 8 39161 32–156, 31–133, 31–615.

The correspondent of NGS24.RU called one of the numbers to clarify how quickly people turn. They answered that they were working, but they refused to share information with journalists.

#Explosion #residential #fivestory #building #Kansk #moment #August

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