watch out for the trap, it flashes without warning at 50 km/h

2023-08-04 11:05:00
(illustration photo) In 93, an autonomous radar flashes speeding on a road limited to 50 km/h © Yayimages

It’s D-Day. The call of idleness. Before hitting the road to enjoy your vacation, however, don’t be tricked by this new speed camera.

There are all kinds of speed cameras. Increasingly sophisticated, they track speeding on the four corners of French roads and motorways. And certain departments and regions of France are, in this regard, placed under increased surveillance, every day of the year. This is the case of Ile-de-France, where fixed and mobile-mobile radars, but also a strong presence of law enforcement will be particularly topical in this month of August, a period of major departures. and returns on French roads. While waiting for the private radar cars, planned in IDF, probably from 2024…

(illustration photo) In 93, an autonomous radar flashes speeding on a road limited to 50 km/h© Yayimages

It flashes on a road limited to 50 km/h

In the department of Seine-Saint-Denis (93), it is a new autonomous radar, (re) put into service this Thursday, August 3, 2023, which will not fail to make people talk regarding it. Installed in the town of Villemomble, cThe mobile site radar (battery powered) is installed “between the BP service station and the Esso service station”specifies the specialized site The device in question, whose presence is reported, flashes any speeding in both directions of traffic, on a road where the speed is limited to 50 km/h ! Either way, remember that obeying all speed limits while driving or riding the handlebars is the only legal effective way to not take a ticket…

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