2023-08-04 08:49:45
Why rub your hands on the kitchen faucet? Few of the housewives know this secret.
After you have cooked something using onions, garlic or fish, a persistent unpleasant odor remains on your palms, which even washing your hands with soap and water is not always removed.
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Lifesaver – stainless steel faucet. Rub it with your hands for a minute and the bad smell will disappear. About this in your video said life hacker blogger Lyubov Goncharova.
“How it works? I’ll use garlic as an example. Garlic contains a sulfur-containing substance called allicin. When you cut garlic, sulfur molecules are transferred to your skin. When interacting with water, they turn into sulfuric acid. So when you wash your hands, the garlic smell intensifies,” she shared.
“Stainless steel molecules have the ability to neutralize odors. They interact with sulfur particles and bind to them. When you touch stainless steel, you donate sulfur molecules to this material. They leave your hands along with the smell! There is even a special metallic soap for sale. But why buy it if there is a faucet?”
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