2023-08-03 06:55:44
First foreign student community in France
This year, 41 Moroccan students were admitted to the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, compared to only 16 last year. They are in the lead among foreign students in the major engineering schools, with a total of 6,064 enrolled.
Excellent in maths and physics, Moroccan students continue to shine in the competitions of the best French engineering schools such as the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, Télécom Paris or CentraleSupélec. Once once more this year, Moroccan students distinguished themselves in the competition for the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris (X), one of the most prestigious engineering establishments in France, renowned for its quality of teaching and its level of excellence. academic. Of the 60 foreign students admitted, 41 are Moroccans. Among the other foreign students from preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) admitted to the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, ten are Tunisians. The other nine students come from Algeria, Austria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo, Lebanon, Romania and the Czech Republic. Note that last year, 16 Moroccans were admitted to this prestigious establishment.
4 students from Lycée Méditerranéen admitted to École Polytechnique (X)
The Lycée Méditerranéen (LYMED), supported by the Tanger Med Group, announced the results of its students in MP and MP Étoile (Mathematics, Physics), who distinguished themselves in the 2023 competitions of the major French engineering schools. “All of the 48 students from the 1st promotion of the Lycée Méditerranéen were admitted to European engineering schools for the 2023-2024 school year, including 30 students admitted to the most prestigious schools, i.e. nearly two third of the promotion”, indicates the Special Agency Tanger Med. Thus, 4 students from this first class will join École Polytechnique (X) at the start of the 2023-2024 academic year. In addition, 16 students have chosen to join the Ecoles Mines-Ponts while 10 students will join the Ecoles Centrales in France. The results of the LYMED act as a first for a preparatory class of excellence which is on its first attempt, with a small promotion, equipped with a single sector among the most selective, underlines the press release. These performances are the result of the sustained effort and hard work of the students, not to mention the individualized and demanding supervision provided by the teaching teams.
A total of 46,371 Moroccan students were enrolled in France in 2021. (DR)
Engineering schools in France: Moroccans in the lead among foreign students
Every year, more and more Moroccan students continue their studies in France. They are still at the top of the ranking of the foreign student community in France. According to Campus France’s latest report on student mobility around the world published in June 2023, Moroccans are the largest foreign student community in France. A total of 46,371 Moroccan students were enrolled in France in 2021, a figure up 3% compared to the 2020-2021 academic year. The nationalities most represented among the 400,000 foreign students in France are Morocco (46,371), Algeria (31,032 students), China (27,479), Italy (19,185), Senegal (15,264) , Tunisia (13,661), Spain (11,256) and Côte d’Ivoire (10,275).
In 2021-2022, 13% of students in France are foreigners. Of a total of 392,630, almost two-thirds (65%) are enrolled in university. Then come the business schools, in which 14% of foreign students are enrolled, then the engineering schools (7%). Moroccan students are particularly present in prestigious engineering schools (Ecoles Polytechnique, Centrale, Mines et Ponts, etc.), this is explained by the existence of very efficient preparatory classes in Morocco. Thus, they are in the lead among foreign students in the major engineering schools in France, with a total of 6,064 enrolled in the 2021-2022 academic year.
Their number has increased by 21% compared to the year 2020-2021. With 84% of mobile students among foreign students, engineering schools are the establishments with the highest mobility rate among foreign students. Out of 100 foreign students in engineering school, 75 are on diploma mobility, 10 are on exchange mobility and 16 obtained their baccalaureate in France. It is in business schools that the increase is the strongest: enrollment has doubled (+104% in 5 years). Thus, more than one in five students is foreign (21%). Among the nationalities most represented in business schools, China comes first with 10,115 students in 2021-2022, or 19%. In second position is Morocco with 7,991 students (14%).
The most represented nationalities in engineering schools. (DR)
The most represented nationalities in business schools. (DR)
Foreign doctoral students: Morocco in 5th place
In 2021-2022, 71,500 doctoral students were enrolled in one of the 275 doctoral schools. Among them, 26,880, or 38%, are doctoral students of foreign nationality. Among the main countries of origin of doctoral students in France at the university, Morocco, which appears in the top 10, comes in 5th place with a workforce of 1,205 doctoral students. China comes first with 1,836 doctoral students followed by Lebanon (1,671), Italy (1,573) and Algeria (1,286). For its part, Tunisia comes in 6th place with 1,073 doctoral students. Thus, the five countries of origin most represented at this level of education are China (9%), Lebanon (8%), Italy (7%), Algeria (6%) and Morocco ( 6%). In a general context of declining enrollments at doctoral level, certain nationalities have progressed between 2016 and 2021: Lebanon (2nd, +19%), Morocco (5th, +22%), India (10th, +27% ) and Côte d’Ivoire (11th, +21%). The most significant drops are those of doctoral students from Tunisia (6th, -35%) and Vietnam (15th, -45%). It should be noted that a large majority, 84%, is enrolled in universities and related establishments, 10% do their doctorate in an engineering school, 3% in a school of art or architecture, 2% in an ENS and 1% in a business school.
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More than 256,000 foreign students enrolled in universities
Effective. In its new document published on June 30, 2023, Campus France specifies that the number of foreign students increased by 11% at the university between 2016 and 2021, almost half as fast as in all establishments (+ 21% ). A total of 256,220 foreign students were enrolled in universities in 2021-2022.
Universities nevertheless remain largely the first choice of foreign students, 65% of them are registered there. It should be noted that the number of foreign students enrolled in a bachelor’s degree – one in two students, i.e. 51% – increased by 20%, compared to + 6% at master’s level (41% of the workforce) and – 11% at doctoral level (8 % of total).
Nearly two-thirds of foreign students (65%) are enrolled in one of the 71 French universities, a higher concentration than for all students in France (56%). Nearly 8 out of 10 foreign students enrolled (79%) in universities were not in France at the end of their secondary studies: these are mobile students. It is important to point out that 31% of foreign students enrolled at the university come from North Africa or the Middle East (ANMO), ahead of Europe (26%), sub-Saharan Africa (25%), Asia-Oceania (9%) and the Americas (8%).
The exact sciences (including STAPS) are the disciplinary group most chosen by foreign university students (32%), ahead of letters, languages and SHS (30%). This is followed by economics (including AES, 18%), law and political science (11%) and finally health disciplines (8%).
#Moroccan #students #hit #competitions #French #engineering #schools #Aujourdhui #Maroc