Marthoma Parish Melbourne: New Governing Body Elected | Rankings, Updates, and More

2023-08-03 07:19:21

Melbourne – A new governing body has been elected for Marthoma Parish in Melbourne, Australia. Parish Vicar Rev. The office-bearers were elected by the Parish General Body under the chairmanship of Shoji Varghese.

Biju George (Vice President), Anish John (Parish Secretary), Dia Abraham (Assistant Secretary), Shiril Varghese (Trustee), Shijo Thomas (Accountant) and Biju John, Joby K Baby, Kurian George and Saiju Simon as Lay Leaders were elected by the Parish Council. .

Sharmila George (Sunday School), Rachel Mathews (Youth Union), George Thomas (Lalu) (Seniors Fellowship), Irene Abraham (Sevaka Sangh), Benny Thomas (Choir) and Simon Abraham (Saji) (Karunya Parochial Mission) were elected as organizational officers. George Philip (Aji) (North A), Thomas Mathew (North B), Biju Joseph (North West), Bindu George (Central A), Thomas Mathew (Jos) (Central B) and Blessy Thomas (South) as Area Prayer Officers selected.

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The twenty-seven-member Melbourne Marthoma Parish Executive Committee includes Thomas Joseph (Raju) (Building Convener), Assembly Members Ashok Jacob, Rexy Nynan, Sen Thomas and Constituency Member Varghese John.

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