Rise in Fuel Prices in July 2023: What’s Causing the Increase and How it Impacts Motorists

2023-08-02 19:01:00

During this month of July 2023, motorists have noticed an unexpected increase in prices at the pump. According to the Ministry of Energy Transition, the latter would have returned to their level of April. An increase due to a rise in oil prices and the start of school holidays.

During this month of July, fuel prices increased until they reached their level at the end of April, according to figures from the Ministry of Energy Transition.

Prices similar to April

According to the weekly statement from the Ministry of Energy Transitiondiesel reached 1.7399 euros per litre, an increase of 4 cents over one week and around 7 cents over one month.

The liter of unleaded 95-E10 gasoline was around 1.8671 euros, ie 4 cents more than the previous week and 6 cents more than at the beginning of July.

The reasons for this rebound in fuel prices

This increase in prices at the pump is mainly explained by the unfavorable international context. Last week a barrel of Brent from the North Sea traded at 82.9 dollars, against 73.4 dollars a month ago.

This is directly linked to the reduction in production decided by Saudi Arabia in July and which will be renewed in August. Added to this is the Russian promise to amputate 500,000 of its barrels a day in August, according to West France.

The summer period and its departures on vacation would also be linked to this price increase: “As we are in a vacation period, that can obviously have an impact because there is necessarily more fuel consumption and inevitably, there is has more demand”, explained on Europe 1 Fabrice Godefroy, mobility expert for the 40 million motorists association. The latter also underlined the weight of taxation in France, where nearly 60% of the price of fuel is made up of taxes.

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