Ministry of Agriculture Cracks Down on Unauthorized Veterinary Practices in Córdoba

2023-08-02 17:36:30

Authorities from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Córdoba carried out operations in Villa María and closed a fodder shop for the sale and application of medicine without having a veterinarian in charge.

The Ministry reported that the task took place in different spaces of this type and in veterinarians.

Specifically, they sought to inspect the sale of zootherapy products in the aforementioned shops.

In one of them it was possible to verify the application of injectable drugs and the sale of products without having a regent veterinary professional, they indicated.

Faced with this, the trade was closed and around 1000 medicines and zootherapy were interdicted.

The agricultural portfolio explained that products, medicines, serums or vaccines for veterinary use cannot be sold in establishments that do not have the direction of a veterinarian.

They must also be authorized by the Ministry, they added.

Faced with any irregular situation, they request to report it to 0800 – 8888 – 2476 or through the Digital platform

#closed #fodder #shop #applying #medicine #authorization



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