In one fell swoop – 33 cats from the Animal Hoarding case are moving to the animal shelter in Vösendorf

2023-08-02 06:10:35

Tierschutz Austria creates space for the velvet paws between pigs, donkeys and degus

Vösendorf (OTS) A case of animal hoarding led to 33 cats moving to the Vösendorf animal shelter. The animals, including a pregnant cat, a cat with several three-week-old kittens, four adult cats and several house tigers, between 3-6 months, were picked up from an apartment in Mödling by Tierschutz Austria animal keepers and were already able to go to their new one move into a temporary home in Vösendorf.

After the official veterinarian approached Tierschutz Austria with a request, it was decided to take in the animals. “We are happy if we can help the authorities with such matters. We regularly encounter cases in which animals are reproduced uncontrolled and the owners can no longer meet the care and requirements of the animals,” explained animal shelter manager Stephan Scheidl.

In order to be able to offer the 33 cats an optimal temporary home, a separate area was built for them in the small animal house. “Even for us at Tierschutz Austria, with the largest animal shelter in Austria, it is not easy to create space for 33 cats out of the ground. Since our cat house is already very full, the house tigers are now getting their own area in the small animal house, between pigs, donkeys and degus,” adds the animal rights activist.

Animal hoarding, also known as “animal hoarding,” is a situation in which individuals keep countless animals in their care without providing adequate resources or facilities. “What often starts out as a well-intentioned approach quickly spirals out of control and becomes a nightmare for the animals and the handlers. Often, owners are unable to provide the medical care, food, care and space animals need to lead healthy and happy lives,” explains MMag. dr. Madeleine Petrovic President of the Vienna Animal Welfare Association (Tierschutz Austria). “Animal hoarding is a serious problem that unfortunately is still too often overlooked and ignored.”


© Tierschutz Austria

Questions & contact:

Animal Welfare Austria
Sophie Rider
The press officer
+43 699 16604008

#fell #swoop #cats #Animal #Hoarding #case #moving #animal #shelter #Vösendorf



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