Teachers’ Demands and Discussions: Insights into the Seoi Elementary School Incident

2023-08-02 03:38:00


After the unfortunate death of a teacher at Seoi Elementary School in Seoul, social interest in this incident has not abated.

Teachers held voluntary memorial rallies for two weeks in a row and demanded normalization of public education.

Today, we prepared a place to hear how teachers feel.

First of all, let’s listen to the voices from the field at the rally.

[2023.7.29 집회 : “서이초등학교 선생님의 비통한 일이 있기 하루 전날, 학교 후배 선생님이 식당에서 학생에게 머리채를 잡히고 바닥에 내동댕이쳐지는 일이 있었습니다.”]

[2023.7.22 집회 : “현장 체험 학습 장소가 이상한 단체와 관련된 것 같다면서 장소를 바꿔달라, 답사를 갈 때 동의 없이 몰래 따라와서 교사를 도촬하는 행위, 동학년 선생님이 우리 아이를 왕따 시키는 것 같다면서 교장실로 찾아가는 행위, 이런 말도 안되는 민원과 대우를 받으면서도 그저 이런 직업인가보다 묵묵히 견디면서 정신 차려 보니 정신과 상담을 예약하는 제 모습을 발견하게 되었습니다.”]

[2023.7.22 집회 : “집회교사의 인권을 지켜 주십시오. 교권을 제도적으로 보호받지 못해서 교권 침해 보험 상품을 가입해야 된다는 이 현실이 정상적인 것입니까? (아니오.)”]

hello. This is teacher Jang Dae-jin, senior vice chairman of the Seoul Teachers’ Union.

It seems that you are having a harder day than ever these days.

There was also a vice chairman of the rally that we watched together on the screen, right?


What kind of discussions have there been among teachers as a result of this incident?


I heard that the teachers’ union conducted a survey regarding the requirements for protecting educational activities.

Could you please introduce yourself?


It’s a survey targeting teachers in Seoul, but I think teachers across the country are probably of a similar mind.

What are the requirements for local governments and the Ministry of Education?


The ruling and opposition parties are also taking great interest in this incident and preparing countermeasures.

What do you want from politicians?

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