The Current Situation in Ain al-Hilweh Camp: Efforts for Cease-fire, Borrowing from Banque du Liban, and the Danger of Displacing Palestinian Refugees

2023-08-02 04:29:17

The Lebanese newspapers published today, Wednesday, August 2, 2023, dealt in their editorials and main articles, the positions of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, regarding the thirteenth march of Muharram in the city of Nabatiyeh, and the efforts for a cease-fire between the combatants in the Ain Al-Helw camp, east of Sidon. The bill aims to authorize the government to borrow in foreign currencies from the Banque du Liban.

The Lebanese newspapers pointed to the seriousness of what is happening in the Ain al-Hilweh camp, referring to a large plan targeting the Palestinian camps in Lebanon and displacing the refugees there from outside the camps, recalling what happened in the Nahr al-Bared camp in the north.


In this context, Al-Binaa newspaper stopped at the failure of the cease-fire agreement in Ain Al-Hilweh camp, hours following the delegation of the Joint Palestinian National Action Authority entered the camp to supervise the implementation of the cease-fire decisions and the formation of the investigation committee. Then the efforts to return to the cease-fire succeeded. What indicated, on the one hand, that there are intentions and plans under the table among influential parties on both sides of the clash to proceed with the bombing plan to serve targets much larger than the slogans of revenge that are hidden behind. On the other hand, there is a determination among the Palestinian national leaders to end the clashes, aware of the danger of their continuation, whether from the existence of plans to drag the camp into a massacre similar to what happened in the Nahr al-Bared camp, or with the rise of Lebanese voices that want to turn the clashes into an occasion to open the file of disarming the camps, and calling for army to enter the camp.
Al-Binaa saw that the danger remains, according to follow-up sources, as there is no deterrent executive force assembled around it that can be deployed in areas of tension. Directly from Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who dispatched leaders from the Amal movement to keep pace with the work of the Palestinian leaders to stabilize the cease-fire, the speech of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, included a lengthy special paragraph on the situation in Ain al-Hilweh camp, appealing to everyone to do everything possible to stop this painful and harmful bleeding in same time.

The newspaper paid attention to Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech in the context of commemorating the occasion of Ashura, where he dealt with the non-issuance of a position by the Conference of Foreign Ministers of Islamic Countries, expressing a deterrent will to protect the Qur’an from the encroachments it is exposed to in Western countries, especially Sweden and Denmark, and considered this inaction a sufficient signal to divert attention For any expectations of positions that protect dignity and sanctities on the official level, calling on the youth side to take matters into their own hands to protect their Quran, and on the parallel side to say that this inaction is sufficient evidence to verify that without the existence of the resistance, no one would have protected Lebanon, and there would be no one to protect the mosque Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem and Palestine.

And the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, pointed out, during the march of the thirteenth of Muharram in Nabatiyeh, that “yesterday, pages of the Noble Qur’an were burned in Sweden and a picture symbolizing Imam Hussein (PBUH),” stressing that “this behavior constitutes an insulting challenge.” And offensive to two billion Muslims in the world,” explaining that “a filthy person, protected by the Swedish police, insults two billion Muslims in the world, and so does the government of Denmark.” And she did not sit down, and the ties were severed, and as for the Qur’an to be burned, this did not move a finger with these dead people.

And he added: “I am watching this cursed person burning the Qur’an, and if we were destined to hear the torn Qur’an, he would have said: Is there no supporter who will support me?” Addressing the Muslim youth in the world by saying, “There is no longer any meaning in waiting for anyone, neither an Arab League nor Organization of Islamic Cooperation, you must support your Qur’an and your sanctities and punish these abusive and cursed criminals with the most severe punishment.

And Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that “what is happening today in the world and compared to recent and distant history increases our conviction that our choice is the right one, and what is said in the Lebanese interior and the region is nonsense,” explaining that “what protects this country and its people is only its resistance and its resistance, and all evidence confirms this. This is the truth, and this is what we insist on doing.”

He asked: “If the rulers in our Islamic world do not have the courage and zeal to defend the Noble Qur’an, then will they defend our land, Lebanon and the Al-Aqsa Mosque?”, Noting that “when we waited for states, our peoples failed, but when the peoples rose up, we won,” adding, “We return the speech to the people.” The Palestinian is not to wait for these people, so you must bet on your people and your blood, and on those with you in the axis of resistance.

Nasrallah considered that “what is happening in the Ain al-Hilweh camp is painful because it includes blood, displacement and bad and painful repercussions.” He continued, “We appeal to everyone in the Ain al-Hilweh camp to stop the fighting.” He does so,” stressing the need for this fighting not to continue “because its repercussions are bad for Sidon and its surroundings, the south and all of Lebanon.”

Yesterday night, the mediators were able to impose the implementation of the cease-fire in Ain Al-Hilweh camp, following bloody clashes for the third day in a row, which claimed more victims and material losses, as the Ain Al-Hilweh camp, its entrances, and the surrounding area turned into a real war arena in which various types of machine guns and missiles were used, with operations Breaking into a den and fleeing from the Fatah movement on the one hand, and the extremist organizations on the other.

Al-Binaa quoted Fatah sources as saying that the leadership of the movement had taken a decision to storm the centers of the Jund al-Sham and Osbat al-Ansar gangs and not to stop the fighting until the killers of Abu Ashraf al-Armoushi and his companions were handed over. . The sources pointed out that Fatah will continue its progress until the camp is cleared of these criminal terrorist gangs to restore security and calm throughout the camp, stressing that “the movement is cooperating with the Lebanese security services and the leaders of the Amal Movement and Hezbollah and the Palestinian factions to cease fire, restore stability to the camp and neighboring areas, and return the displaced.” mechanism”.

However, yesterday evening, wholesale violations of the cease-fire were recorded, especially by Jund al-Sham, where gunfire and rocket shells were heard, but field sources confirmed to Al-Binaa before midnight yesterday the commitment of all parties to the cease-fire in Ain Al-Hilweh and the shooting that took place. Fire and shell is a breach being addressed.

The Lebanese army implemented a wide deployment and strict security measures at all entrances to the camp. Yesterday evening, the Commando Regiment was brought to Sidon to reinforce its points and positions located at the entrances and surroundings of the camp. There has been information regarding the possibility of the army entering the battle to settle the matter and eliminate extremist organizations, but there is no confirmation from the army leadership of that.

However, security experts stopped at the enormity of the military confrontations, the intensity of the fire, the various weapons, and the large number of gunmen, especially from Islamic organizations, wondering how these gunmen entered the camp, when, and with the facilitation of whom and for what purpose? Was there a regional authority that asked them to do so? How did this amount of weapons and rockets enter the camp? And who pays for it and who finances these battles? Through the “construction”, the experts warned of several scenarios behind these violent and unprecedented events, which come at a suspicious and malicious time and the dangerous conditions that Lebanon is going through at the political, economic, security and social levels. The first is that regional parties, with American support, ignite the camp as a prelude to implicate the Lebanese army in the battle once morest Islamic organizations, and we will be facing a scenario similar to the battles of Nahr al-Bared with Fatah al-Islam and their leader, Shaker al-Absi, with the aim of imposing the election of a president for the republic, perhaps the army commander, General Joseph Aoun, under the slogan of controlling security, and what The direct targeting of army centers and residential and commercial areas in Sidon is nothing but an attempt to lure the army into battle to defend itself and the citizens and their livelihoods, and the second scenario: the bombing of Ain al-Hilweh camp as the largest camp in Lebanon and includes all Palestinian factions and contains displaced Syrians and shelters many terrorists and wanted persons ignites other camps for Palestinian asylum And the Syrian displacement, which pushes the displaced and refugees to flee from the camps to the Lebanese neighborhoods, villages and cities, and thus forced integration into the Lebanese society, according to what was stipulated in the law issued by the European Parliament to keep the displaced Syrians in Lebanon, and the deliberate and systematic evacuation of civilians from the Ain Al-Hilweh camp is only evidence of that. .

The experts warned that the battles did not end in Ain al-Hilweh, and the truce will not last long, and we will witness clashes in other camps in the next stage to achieve several goals, including striking Palestinian unity, dispersing the forces of the Palestinian factions in Lebanon and Palestine, canceling the right of return of refugees following integrating them into Lebanese society, and re-introducing Palestinian weapons in The camps, in addition to confusing the Lebanese interior with security chaos in the midst of the political dispute over the election of a president and the ushering in a new era in the governance of the Banque du Liban. Experts do not rule out an American and Israeli role in the events of Ain al-Hilweh.

In a remarkable American position, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller indicated in a press statement that “the United States continues to follow up” disturbing “reports regarding the escalation of violence in Ain al-Hilweh camp.”

On the other hand, Al-Binaa saw that the currency and consumption markets, and the Lebanese, experienced yesterday the first day of Wassim Mansouri taking over the governorship of the Banque du Liban, amid a smooth and safe transition of governance from the former ruler, Riad Salameh, to Mansouri, with stability in the exchange rate of the dollar, as the market did not record any shake-up. Or negative reactions, contrary to what the media and experts have been spreading regarding the threat of woe and grief and great things regarding the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar to 200 thousand pounds immediately following the departure of Riad Salameh from the governorship, and its purpose was to pressure to extend Salameh for another year.

The Council of Ministers continued to prepare and study a draft government borrowing law from the Banque du Liban, and held a second session yesterday, chaired by President Najib Mikati at the Grand Serail. The discussion may take time, and the Banque du Liban needs a faster pace on this issue. Therefore, I suggest that a law proposal be submitted by representatives in the House of Representatives in this regard, especially since some may object to sending a bill from the government, which means more time wasted. And by proposing the law, the parliament can take the decision it deems appropriate.

However, the “Strong Lebanon” bloc renewed “its position refusing to legislate any spending from the compulsory reserve aimed at buying time with depositors’ money to finance the state and its deficit and to stabilize the exchange rate at an exorbitant cost instead of adopting the necessary reform for monetary stability,” linking “its participation in any legislative session, provided that laws are approved simultaneously.” The required reform, which is: capital control, restructuring of banks and financial balance, in addition to approving a serious reform budget for the year 2024, which will be referred to the council with the signature of all ministers of the caretaker government. Looking forward, “with satisfaction, to what the deputies of the Governor of the Banque du Liban have taken in terms of stipulating the approval of reforms and not continuing with the monetary policy that Riad Salameh was pursuing, adopting transparency, respecting the law and adhering to independence.”

Parliamentary sources indicated to Al-Binaa that “preparing a draft law from the government is not an easy matter in light of the rejection of political components, in exchange for the difficulty in holding sessions for the House of Representatives to present a draft law for borrowing in foreign currency.” From the Banque du Liban, which means that things will not be easy and will take time to search for a specific mechanism, which affects the continuation of the Banque du Liban’s financing of the state in terms of employee salaries, exchange and necessary medicines.


Under the title: Mikati “deceived” the ruler’s deputies, Al-Akhbar newspaper wrote: While the former Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, was bidding farewell to his office in Hamra the day before yesterday, his deputies, led by Wassim Mansouri, were trying to establish new rules for monetary dealings between the government and the Central Bank. , in an attempt to return the financial train to the track of the monetary and credit law, which Salama has bypassed for thirty years. However, the government did not wait long to remove from it the responsibility to cover the damage to the compulsory reserves through a draft law issued by it, and its president, Najib Mikati, did not delay in abandoning the governor’s deputies, avoiding submitting a draft law on borrowing in foreign currencies, and pressuring a number of parliament members to submit a proposal. A law in this regard, arguing that “Article 4 of the decree regulating the work of the Council of Ministers stipulates that draft laws and regulatory decrees must be sent at least a week before they are discussed in the Council of Ministers,” as he stated following the end of the Council of Ministers session yesterday.

According to Al-Akhbar, this angered Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who expressed to his visitors his dissatisfaction with Mikati’s disavowal and his attempt to blame Parliament by refraining from drafting a bill to that effect and referring it to Parliament. Berri said that the parliament “does not give up its role, but does not take the role of anyone else,” and “does not object to approving borrowing from the Banque du Liban when a draft law reaches the parliament, then it approves a proposal for a law.” However, this requires that the project be referred to the government first. Berri pointed out that the House of Representatives “does not have the power to make pledges on behalf of the government to return what it borrows from the Banque du Liban, because it is the borrower, and it is the one who is supposed to present a pledge and commitment to it to return what it will spend.” He described the government’s position as “the first negative sign in its dealings with the Deputy Governor of the Banque du Liban on the first day of his work,” adding: “If the law is not approved, where will the money come from?” This is the responsibility of the government.” He said, “What Wassim Mansouri started is a positive and reliable act in resorting to the law.”

This atmosphere, which spread yesterday, practically means, according to the newspaper, that the ball of fire will move to Parliament, which needs a miracle to fulfill the demand of the four deputies, and they will find themselves facing a single “exit” that is to return to the policies of Riad Salameh.

She added: What happened was expected. It is likely that Mikati tried to “tame” the ruler’s deputies so that they would not go to the option of resignation, deceiving them that his government would keep pace with their administration and provide them with everything they needed, so he went to present the idea of ​​the draft law to the Council of Ministers, so that it became clear that the matter was just a “trick”, especially since the government forces Not eager to accept it. The parliament’s handling of what Mansouri’s request will not be smooth, following it became clear that the majority of parliamentary blocs will not vote on the law proposal, and all indications confirm that this matter is without obstacles, and is surrounded by many questions, including: Who are the deputies who will propose the law? Will the quorum of the legislative session be secured? What is the position of the Free Patriotic Movement, which has recently turned into a cornerstone in securing a quorum for legislative sessions?

And “Al-Akhbar” pointed to the intersection of estimates between more than one parliamentary source regarding “the difficulty of passing the proposal in the General Assembly of Parliament.” Before all of this, one should ask regarding the parliamentary bloc that will propose the law, as the parliament is divided between blocs that reject legislation in light of the presidential vacuum and will inevitably boycott the session (the forces, brigades, changeists and a number of independent representatives), and others that set conditions for attending the sessions, such as the National Movement. Al-Hur, and the rest of the blocs that are always present, but this time they are “not enthusiastic.” In this context, Al-Akhbar learned that Berri is not alone in refusing to pass the law in Parliament. Hezbollah is wary of agreeing to cover borrowing from the reserve, whether from within the government or Parliament, while the Free Patriotic Movement links its approval to the approval of the four reform laws: Capital Control Bank restructuring, the budget for the years 2023-2024, and financial regularity, and this seems unattainable following the majority of the blocs stalled its approval for three years.

Accordingly, the most likely scenario seems to be the disruption of Parliament sessions and the failure to pass laws, and in this case the ruler’s deputies may feel deceived and some of them will return to the threat of resignation, or they will find themselves forced to continue implementing safety policies that require intervention in the market, buying and selling dollars through an exchange platform to secure Money, especially since they will not be able to go immediately to stop financing, because this will cause the exchange rate to explode and the situation to explode in their face. And this option will be the lesser of evils, in light of the refusal to lend the government from compulsory employment funds, that is, the money of depositors without legislating this step.

This scenario takes precedence over others, according to what parliamentary sources say, as the alternative to it is for “the parliament to agree to legislate lending to the government according to the conditions and deadlines set by the four deputies of the ruler to buy more time and without approving reform laws.” But it is not a guaranteed option because the Free Patriotic Movement will not participate, according to what its sources confirmed.

In conclusion, Al-Akhbar said: The House of Representatives, with a majority of its bloc, does not seem ready to give a grace period to the ruler’s deputies to secure monetary stability until the election of a president of the republic and the appointment of a new governor for the bank, as there is a problem related to recovering the money that will be spent and whether there is a capacity in the government or the bank center to return it.


For its part, Al-Joumhouria newspaper considered on the presidential level that the concerned circles are continuing their preparations to meet the return of the French envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to Lebanon in mid-September to sponsor consultations between the concerned parties regarding the work program of the new President of the Republic and his specifications. These circles are paying attention to the ongoing dialogue between the “Free Patriotic Movement” and “Hezbollah”, as more information is presented regarding the two sides reaching consensus regarding the presidential elections in terms of candidacy and voting, and regarding the proposals of the movement’s leader, Representative Gebran Bassil, in terms of expanded administrative decentralization and the trust fund.

On the other hand, Al-Jumhuriya said: The ink of the government’s draft law that allows it to borrow from the Central Bank of Lebanon has not dried up, and not a day has passed since the cabinet session, until Prime Minister Najib Mikati threw it into the parliament’s court, asking for it to be transferred from a bill to be referred. The government to propose a law submitted by a number of deputies and take its way to the competent parliamentary committees, in order to gain time and avoid any obstacles or complications that impede it in the event that the government, whose powers in this regard are questioned by some, sends it under the title that it is a caretaker government within the narrow framework.

Al-Jumhuriya quoted a ministerial source as saying, “During the cabinet session yesterday, Monday, Mikati distributed the borrowing bill to the ministers, and summoned the First Deputy Governor of the Banque du Liban, Wassim Mansouri, to explain the reasons for his request for this law, given that he participated in its preparation, and it was agreed to postpone Deciding on this matter to the Thursday session (tomorrow) that was devoted to his study, and while we were surprised in today’s session (yesterday) by Mikati’s legally justified words that we cannot discuss this project in the Thursday session due to lack of time, as it must be distributed a week ago, and I see that no We have time, so I will ask the House of Representatives to submit it to the General Assembly in the form of a law proposal to be submitted by the deputies.

Commenting on this matter, senior parliamentary sources told Al-Jumhuriya, “This step is an escape from responsibility, and an avoidance for President Mikati and his government to be the ones seeking to obtain this money. He has no problem with the money coming to him from the Parliament, but he is not asking for it, so he would have scored a point on himself that he asked for precautionary prejudice.

And these sources confirmed, “What Mikati did is not easy for Parliament to swallow, because Article 90 of the Monetary and Credit Law details this matter, and explicitly indicates that the government is the one who should initiate the request for money, justify the reasons for the request, and set a schedule for its payment. This matter is translated into a draft law, as it is the one who undertakes to recover the money according to a time limit, and this is the natural logical mechanism. The sources expected that “the road to this law will be bumpy,” asking: “What will Mansouri do if he does not approve, especially since he stipulated its approval in order to assume the duties of the ruler?” And she expressed her fear of “the lack of clarity in the picture, and that buying time is the current policy.”

Commenting on the events of Ain al-Hilweh camp, Palestinian political and diplomatic sources told Al-Jumhuriya that what happened in the camp was “a failed attempt by groups of armed takfiris to seize control of the camp.” She pointed out that the assassination of the Palestinian security official, Major General Abu Ashraf Al-Armoushi and his companions, constituted a “real massacre” aimed at the control of these extremist groups over the camp, which they entered in the recent period, as evidenced by the fact that the attacks on the centers of the “Fatah” movement in the camp began at the moment of the assassination of Al-Armoushi. After the attackers thought that such a treacherous operation would be easy before it proved to them that it was very difficult. The joint Palestinian force in charge of the security of the camp considers itself responsible not only for the security of its residents, but its goal is to preserve the security of its Lebanese as well as the Palestinian surroundings.
These sources ended up asking: Are the people of Sidon, Maghdouche, and the area facing the camp able to see the flags of “ISIS” and extremist groups on the rooftops?

Lebanon Newspapers

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