The Migraine Experience: Behind the Aura and Pain

2023-08-01 13:36:51

I am a rare exception: a migraine sufferer without a migraine! Only regarding 20 percent of all patients with a migraine have an aura before the attack. That is, they experience a type of perceptual distortion that lasts between 20 and 40 minutes and is unusually diverse: there are visual or speech disorders, numbness or pins and needles on the skin, rarely olfactory disorders.

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These distortions are not created in the eye or on the skin, but in the brain. The nerve cells there suddenly become overexcited for unknown reasons – they fire meaningless signals. This excitation pattern runs like a La Ola wave over parts of the cerebral cortex, such as the visual center. And that’s where a visual aura, the most common form, is created.

It begins with a small, shimmering dot on the left or right of the field of vision. However, this dot does not flicker in the left or right eye – it flickers in both eyes, on the left or right side respectively. The dot has a colorful, jagged, shimmering edge, gets bigger and bigger and finally takes up half of the face: those affected are temporarily blind on one side. Then the visual disturbance slowly recedes – and the aura is gone.

Now the second part of the migraine attack begins for most people: the pain. For these patients, the auras have the advantage of an early warning: They can prepare for the attack – and they can take the medication quickly and therefore more effectively. However, this does not apply to the drug group of triptans. These are vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agents that are often used in acute therapy.

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Now comes the pain – or not. In rare cases, with a few patients, nothing follows the aura. Neurologists also speak elegantly of a “migraine sans migraine”, of a migraine without a migraine. I belong to this enviable group myself. Enviable because the aura is quite beautiful to look at, which is why it is also referred to as “Alice in Wonderland Syndrome” – and in the past was often interpreted as a supernatural revelation.

All episodes of the weekly column that have appeared so far can be found on the overview page.

#aura #migraines



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